old eggs are best used at halloween ... for throwing at night ..
We initially marked our eggs with a black sharpie till we saw that the ink bleed through into the egg .. we were getting just too many eggs everyday at one point.
Patwi -- There was a magician/card shark (banned from Vegas 'cuz they knew they could not catch him if he decided to cheat) -- they hired him to catch others. His name escapes me at the moment JOHN SCARNE!! <-- Oh!
What made me remember his name was that his hands were in
"The Sting" as Paul Newman's when he was fancy-shuffling on the train.
Anyway, he had a trick where he would hold a fanned-out deck to a person to pick a card. The guy would pick the card, show it to everyone but Scarne, and replace it in the deck.
There was a bowl of hard-boiled eggs on the table. Scarne would ask the guy to pick an egg and peel it.
Written on the surface of the egg
inside the unmarked shell was the card suit and number.
Another one I saw, dunno if it was Jack Paar Show or Johnny Carson Show, but he gave the deck to the host to shuffle. Took the deck back and asked Paar/Carson to pick a card. Let's say 3 of diamonds was picked -- shown to the audience but not Scarne.
Scarne shuffled the deck and handed it back to Paar/Carson. Asked him to find the card he'd picked.
It was gone.
Scarne: "Take out your wallet." The host reached into his inner suit pocket (across the card table from Scarne) and opened up his wallet.
Host (triumphantly): "HAH! It's not there!"
Scarne: "Take out your driver's license."
Host nearly faints: The 3 of diamonds is inside his driver's license!
I actually watched this -- and know exactly how it was done: Scarne had clearly sold his soul to the Devil. It was the only way.