its funny you should post this SmokinMom ....i actually busted a multiuser on another website ...a very large website too i might add
this person had 3 accounts and posed as an italian guy from nevada...and had another account as his "brother" then made an account as the "wife"
in the end it was a fella who was only 17 ....he'd been frequenting the site for over a year...he was taking genetics from med patients and ripping people off
till i busted his sorry butt and exposed him for who he really was....a gay 17 year old boy with too much time on his hands when he shoulda been at school
if anyone wants more details or the usernames he used i would be glad to share that in PM's
what i will not devulge is his real name and address...yes ...when i get stolen from...i stop at nothing till i catch the thief