What fertilizer should i try using?

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Active Member
May 26, 2008
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Hi everyone, i got 25 m39 clones outside, their real small, but they have still been outside for about 2 weeks. Im using some pretty normal dirt i baught at a local home hardware but now im wondering what product should i buy to try to juice up my plants, give them an extra boost.
Do you guys have any good suggestions? Is it 2 early? Thanks allot for ur time.

you all have a great day!

I'd go organic. I'd stay away from blood/bone meal outdoors...attracts scavengers.
Manure, Seabird and worm poop and lime ammendments. Or go with FoxFarms line. Stay away from chems outdoors...they are not good for the enviro.
You shouldn't need any ferts this soon. Shouldn't need em till about 3 or 4th week...depending how rich your soil is.
I dig a big hole then...
I ussually mix up some manure lil bit of lime and perlite and good top soil. Don't have to fert for couple months.
Definitely some organic soil, some lime and perlite (little), with Organic soil you will have better control feeding the ladies and kless room for mistakes. Good Luck :aok:
if anything, try flushing your plants first. just to get rid of any possible nute lock up or over fertilization. and anything you do decide to use, try going half strength for a while. foxfarm line of nutes is good. do you have a local hydroponics shop? by pretty normal dirt, what do you mean? your not talking about miracle grow or anything like that are you? for a person new to growing, that can be a little rough to deal with. thats why i recommend flushing.
I use Seabird Guano, Bat Guano, etc. I agree with Mutt and chemicals bad stuff IMO. Made me laugh when a poster said I don't understand why some people even bother with organics, the plants don't know the difference...LOL. I'll eat broccoli grown with my guanos before I would eat one that probably hasn't been flushed and is full of chemicals JMO. Stay organic, it breaks down slower, is safer for the plant and the enviornment.

Not to preach but where do all the chemicals go? Even the ones we use indoors in our hydro units. There is a difference between organics and chemicals IMO and too many people thyink there aren't. You could even get some manure...worm castings, all kinds of stuff IMO just up to what you want. Good luck and you should have a great harvest.
PimpDaddy, what do u mean by flushing im new to the concept. As far as the normal dirt, i meant i got some all purpose plant soil. Nothing to fancy. Im intrested in what u mean by flushing.

Thanks for all the info people, you guys are very nice!
flushing is setting a hose on your bucket/planter and letting water run through it to get rid of harmful chemicals or an overload. Lets say you feed a plant in a 5 gallon bucket a half a gallon of water everytime you water them. well flush that 5 gallon bucket out with 5 gallons of water. what i do is stand there with the water hose for 2 - 5 minutes just letting a constant water supply run through my soil. my cousin leaves his plants out side and sets the hose to run through the soil for 15 minutes. if you ask me thats an over abundence, but some people to MAKE SURE that there arnt nutrient lock ups or anything. any time your plant has to much nitrogen or another element and you ask someone on here, they will tell you to flush it.
Organics is a great way to go. Stay away from blood and bone meal as Mutt said. It does attract predators that will dig up your plants to eat the dirt. I always use fox farms nutes for my indoor and outdoors. I've had fantastic results. Just my thoughts. Take care and be safe.
longtimegrower said:
I love the foxfarm products like mutt and the others said.

Check out some of FF stuff. I use Peace of Mind of Mind Fruit and Flower on my outside veggies and stuff with great results...they have all kinds of stuff


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