I don't have a camera. I think it is the weed smell.Pics
It is very pungent. I hope that means it is good.There are some odd smelling weeds out there.
I had one purple dawn odd pheno that reeked of garlic and onions. The regular plants of this strain smell sweet grape. When dried, it smells odd and is very spicy. But it is amazing strong. I have heard of strains that smell like BO, and some of cat piss. Rotten is a new one.
GG is funky.I have an auto gorilla glue budding and it is almost finished. Now, it sort of smells kind of rotten. It is a free seed from Herbies. Is that just the bud smell? It isn't bad or moldy.
@sharonp was on yesterdaywell c h I t……another one bites the dust
i was hoping the cat found some righteous weed and maybe had some more seeds
i will continue to seek out the stinky funky rotten sweet nasty smells like a skunks arse weed until I die
man I got a good skunk arse smelling one last year and it has seeds so I am chuffed at looking through them this season
if I find the Road Kill Skunk I is gonna be rich!
I am a girl thank you lol! You guys can't chase me away. I am going to stay out of some conversations though.cool beans
maybe he will chime in
GG #4 is the strongest. That I have grown.GG is funky.
I am a girl thank you lol! You guys can't chase me away. I am going to stay out of some conversations though.
This is pretty good weed, I have smoked that plant and just harvested another. It is not for a day you want to get any activities done. I cannot seem to get a big yield on it though. Both plants the same thing. I have a couple more seeds I am going to wait for the weather to warm a little. Then I will try again.