We really need a Breeding and propagation section

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Just a Dawg
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
Just wanted to get a question answered and realized the section it NEEDS to be in doesn't exist. But with the current problems didn't want to bug MarP about something trivial.

When finishing out seeded bud. Do you let it grow till its almost dead? or harvest when the trichs are ready?
Also on the lower "fluffy" less light buds. Will the seeds be more likely non-viable or sub-standard? This one is important to me as I don't want to accidently mix em up with the tops if this is the case.
Never seeded one ID or really intentionally before. I do know a trained tied and topped male is about the wierdest thing to look at. :eek: LOL
Thank I H8 my X. but this is a sorta breeding question not a harvest/cure kinda question. I look at trich color, but seed viability may be different and really what the question is focused on.
Mutt. I don't know for a fact, but with thoes Lowriders I seeded, (In the journal section), I waited till the trichs were half brown/cloudy. The bud was good but 3/4 of my seeds are no good. I germinated 10 seeds, 5 cracked open so I planted them, they came out of the soil about an inch then they died. The only thing I can figure happened is i didnt let the seeds mature enough. The pack of 11 Lowrider seeds I purchased I got 9 to grow to fully mature plants. I'll leave this open to some more experienced growers because this is just my first experience with making seeds.
Why don't you ask the Doc, (doc. Chronic), he should be able to help Mutt.
Thanks man for the input. Talked it over with another member here (thanks..you know who you are. ;) ). He said to wait until the Calyx just starts to break open with the seed. Trich color is not taken into consideration. and to get the most viable seeds is to do a partial harvest and work my way down the plant. The lower fluffly buds will have smaller seeds. but not less viable if done this way. Just for any others that have the same question.
sorry mutt misunderstood the question, I thought breeding is the same as growing or flowering...
No problem dude. Making seeds is different than growing sens. bud. Selection process is more rigid and how you fert is different as well. You don't flush at all and keep nitrogen as well as the bloom fert. Ussually seeded bud is harsher because of this. But the point is to make your own crosses and seeds so you don't have to buy more. ;). I myself HATE payin for seeds. Esp. the cost of seeds. Its highway robbery on some. I agree the breeders are needed and deserve there dollars for all there hard work. I'll never dispute that. But 10-20 bucks a seed come on. that makes one plant worth a huge amount of bucks.
whoever you spoke with mutt is correct in my breeding exsperience . i had thecalyxs break open as soon as 6 weeks into flowering . but i also made sure i pollenated 2 times or more earlier than late to make sure i had seeds to share with friends.
wow that sounds complicated... too much for me at this time... the seeds I got where from a friends, this sure has been a learning curve for me, its really kept me on my toes and appreciate plants alot more... good luck with your seed growing project... wanna here rip off...

Our Canadian government is charging money for medical marijuana... the price is a rip off... $5.00cdn per gram plus taxes, they gotta be kidding me and they say the police destroy's the crops when they raid grow ops...please i think they've been smoking something rotten... I think they should give the shit away to people who need it...

Quick question how you pollinated your female. Did you put a male and female in a seperate room and let it be done naturally? I'm interested in cross breading this time around. I only have one chamber and want to just do a bud site or two. Is this even worth it in your opinion?
I'm flowering the male under a 250W. I treat the male just as good as a female. I will collect pollen, dry it, put it in a couple of film canisters and freeze. That way I have more control and freedom when it comes to pollenating. and not limited to just the ones I'm flowering at the moment. I think Hick told me I have a year to use it. So that gives me quite a bit of time to work with it.
To me its worth it to make a few crosses and see if they turn out good. Plus dusting a branch or two is great. still end up with some seeds and regular good ole unseeded bud.
But I do have a NL female clone in with it.. gonna cover that whole thing and collect pollen for future use.
bejohnst..collect the pollen and carefully brush it on a single branch or flower cluster with an artists paintbrush or Q-tip swab with no fan or wind present. One grain of pollen + one pistill = one seed.
just jumping in this thread... when u collect pollen whats the safest and best way to do it? and ive never done this but it sounds like u can "half seed" a plant? like have the plant grow normally and just have a couple branches seed? this is some real interesting stuff....ahh and while im here..... how do feminiazed seeds come to be? they say they back pollenate females..... how in the world??? thats like saying u back sexed a couple women to create a couple daughters for them...... doesnt sound logical... and yea i agree ive read almost everything on the site but the question still remains..... HOW IN THE WORLD DO I GET PLANT A AND PLANT B TO GIVE ME PLANT C????

and dont say just put a male and female in the same room .... i want some controlled type thing going on... dont want to try and breed 2 plants and be like wtf at the end.... lol... try crossing NL and BlueBerry to get.....shrooms???:D

but in all seriousness any advice on this? i would love to read up on this
on my O/D grows which are separated by miles. i collect the seeded bud as the bud swells - puts on weight in the last weeks of flower, then i shake the the buds in a seed shaker. you must not handle the seeds anymore then needed and then with gloves on. pick out all the white 1's and discard = twizzers. i place them in airtight containers and store in a cool dark place not a freezer as you dont want moisture in the seed to freeze. hope this helps.
TOTALLY segregate the "chosen" male. If you plan to flower him only once, you can simply set him on a mirror, sheet of glass, or any clean flat surface and let him do his stuff. The pollen will drop onto the glass and is easily scraped up and collected with a razor blade.
It should be dry and have all of the plant material(flower petals,ect) removed before it goes into an "air tight" container with a descicant pack or a few grains of rice to absorb any moisture.
It can then be stored for long term use. Either in the freezer or in the 'crisper' drawer of the fridge for shorter term. Freezing it keeps it viable for a longer period of time, but can only be thawed once, in my experience. If you want to use it multiple times, make individual packages to freeze it in.

Once you have chosen the female you wish to pollinate, defrost the pollen to room temp and apply it to any individual branch or bud with a small artist type paint brush or Q-tip swabb.. Leave the circulation fan off during pollination. Any residual pollen can be spread by the fan.
astra007 said:
on my O/D grows which are separated by miles. i collect the seeded bud as the bud swells - puts on weight in the last weeks of flower, then i shake the the buds in a seed shaker. you must not handle the seeds anymore then needed and then with gloves on. pick out all the white 1's and discard = twizzers. i place them in airtight containers and store in a cool dark place not a freezer as you dont want moisture in the seed to freeze. hope this helps.

"Ditto"...I agree. Don't freeze seeds. A "cool dry" place is best for seeds.
thanx hick that answers alot of questions except 1 really... how do u feminize seeds? im not sure if any1 here knows how but the only thing ive ever heard is to back pollenate females? how does that really work? how can u really pollenate 2 females with each other? like i said its like saying in human terms that u bred 2 females to alway produce female off spring... its just really bothering me that i dont know....
dutch passion had a good write up somewhere about fem seeds as they were the first to commercially sell them. gibberellic acid - google it or go to: www.super-grow.com good write up there
why not move this to the GERMINATION CATEGORY as it does involve aspects thereof? also that category is not used much.

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