Watering Your Plants to much Or Just Enough

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California Medical Card P
Jun 2, 2008
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Hear is a good question for everyone.

Yesterday was 95 degrees I watered my (4) Plants and by the end of the day (2) of the Plants the soil is dry. So I watered the (2) Plants with out thinking. This moring I checked on all (4) plants they where all ok. It made me think the Marijuana Bible I believe states don't water at night. Finually my question is can you cause your plants harm meaning ROOTS & all.

Oh ya I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil.
Neem to protect the (4) plants

!!!Thanks for your pre-advice!!!
they say not to water at night because the risk of mold is increased...
Thats what the Bible stated but what do you do if your plants soil is dry. That would harm your plants more right or not. I know by reading & watching my plants the leafs go down at night (resting).
MJ is a weed that grew wild out in the open, do you think it only rained during the day?

Im an outside grower, I water late in the evening or early in the morning, I never water during the day, bit pointless in hot weather, you think you just gave the plant 2 pints of water yet 1 pint of it evaporates :)
I water them in the moring that I know and right before Sun goes down. I have never had any problems with Vegatables but it's not Mary Jane.

Thanks Hippy

I still wonder if you water in the moring and you check on them at night & 2 plants soil is if you water them will you cause them more harm by not watering them since watering your plants at night may cause root Raut
The Bible gives fool proof information for conditions much cooler than our current climate, it is okay to water them at night but it is not okay to water them at midday if it is hotter than 35 celcius and you are an out door grower. Heat of soil will heat the water and burn the roots...
MJ roots need oxygen, the plants are happy to totally dry out and wilt, then rapidly bounce back when watered, the weed originates from a very dry hot desert type environment.
i prefer to let my spil dry up completely before next water kinda helps prevent overwatering....
Thats what I have been doing Toke.
I was just wondering if was doing the right thing by waiting the next day or just water the dry plants that night. Being new at growing scares me. I guess it's a good thing a put chicken wire around my plants I just saw a cat. That plant killer at large.

Thanks for your help hope this helps some other new person out
I thank you guys for you help & understanding of new grower.
If you have deer around, that cage is a must. I have heard cats will tear up a plant too, as you said. Good luck with your grow, did you start a journal?
A private legger I keep so I know what to do & not to do . Nope no deer just people & cats to worry about no cops I am a patient thank God and growing the legal limit in California. I do keep updating MP on my plants growth so Hick & slim and timmy know how they are doing.

I just wanted to thank MP for all your help thanks.

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