Looking good ladies! 10 of them to be exact. Never thought 10 buckets would fit up there, but I got another 6 laying around for the next crop. Been busy with work, music gigs and some nice bubblegum outdoor, but here's the weekly update.
5 Diesel Ryders have made it and are throwing some STINKY buds.
5 AK-47 Are showing Pistils and are looking much lusher than the Diesel.
Currently using the following for nutes:
Ionic Bloom (1/2 strength)
Ionic Boost (1/2 strength)
Blue Mountain Super Plant Tonic (Full Strength)
Greenfuse Bloom (Full Strength)
Botanicare Sweet (Full Strength)
RO Water w/ 1/4 tsp Epsom Salt added
EC 1.8 / pH 5.8
Once a week I spray them with more Greenfuse Bloom and Fossil Fuel. Soon I'll move the Bloom up to full strength, shooting for EC's around 2.2 or so.
P.S. Temps are stable as hell right now. Me Like. Comments? :bong1: