My method this time has been unconventional to say the least. And there are parts I'll definitely repeat and parts I'll change based on what I learned this time.
The soil from local garden store- no idea what is in it- I do know it had time release fertilizers. So I added coco (which I love and the clones are currently in pure coco) and worm castings and perlite and vermiculite. On replanting add dolomite lime.
They are in the cheap buckets (9.6 L) that I buy at the dollar store for a dollar even! I drill my own holes in the bottom - I also tried grow bags for the first time. I use some balled up newspaper in the bottom- but not on all of them. Started with sizes #12 and #18 but had to move up. I dream of growing in these big 42 liter buckets I can buy for 5.00 when I get more space. I also have a layer of hydroton balls on the top of my medium. In the past I've always had problems with fungus gnats and other critters. This grow has been very clean so far- but it could also be time of year and using the tent which is such a controlled environment.
Nutes are a longer story-
Started with organics (guano/ for grow and bloom) but the formulas were too skewed. I used a regular general flower/fruit style chemical fertilizer when they ran out of nitrogen early because it was the only thing I could find quickly. Then I got wise to the magnesium/calcium problem with coco. Couldn't get any cal/mag so I use epsom salts and tums (THANKS DanK for that one). Then got FloraNova Grow (thanks THG) and they loved it. Clones are on it now and are growing wild. THG didn't recommend the bloom so I went with Canadian Express Bloom Part A/B- formulated for coco/soil. So far I like it, but really have nothing to compare it to. I've been alternating with the Guano Bloom formula and may run out of nutes before they are done.
I have LOTS of light. They started as babies under a T5 in the tent with the 1000W HPS going to keep them warm enough. Then under that for the first 4 weeks till I got a 600W. My tent is about 6.5 X 6.5.
I do have one more secret that I use with everything I grow but I'm going to wait till we've got some results to see if it is worth sharing. So far, the results look promising.
Really appreciate all the positive feedback. Fingers crossed they keep going strong.