transformer racket

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Active Member
Feb 16, 2013
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ok...i got a wall locker that i stuck a 1000 watt HPD into the top...its kinda noisy...buzzy like....Is that typical or is there a fix for it?

i think this is my first post in here...Im 55...Ive been an outdoor grower for about 7 years..this is my first indoor adventure!..Lookin forward to seein what i see in here!
your friend,
Magnetic ballasts do make a hum, however I have never had one that had a hum loud enough to be annoying. I am running a 1000W now that is not too bad.
Mine reverbs on the cabinet...Its out in my shop away from the house so when i start it up It wont bother me really..However, on the other side of my building I make fishing lures! Honest!..and, no kidding, I have a lotta SWAT guys buying lures! Lol!..Kinda funny, huh!..I was just wondering how to muffle it just in case!:hubba:
Is it mounted to the wall in that cabinet if so maybe some felt or rubber washers to take away some vibration. Or if you're a bow Hunter try sticking a couple limb-savers on it not sure how well it will work but they're cheap and its something to consider. Good luck with your grow though

Now on to the important lures, what kind 'ya make?

other than growing I love fishin the best!!!:woohoo: :woohoo:
i'm assuming you used screws to mount it to the locker? unscrew it and use a buffer between the ballast and the locker. any arts and crafts store, or hardware store should carry some kind of soft foam that you can be put between the two of them.

edit: my favorite is carpet padding. its easily manipulated, light weight, and best of all cheap.
What bout hangin with bungie cords or some sound proofin foam pilgrem hope yur trails find yur need travelled ;)

How old is that ballast. More often than not with the magnetic ballasts or anything that has a transformer with a steel plate core, the core of the transformer is made of thin plates rather than a whole piece of steel. The plates are held together with rivots(the good ones are welded together), and these rivots get loose over time due to heating and cooling stretching them. This allows the plates to get loose enough for the operational frequency to cause the to vibrate. That is most likely what you are hearing.

The bad thing about that , other than the noise, is that the vibrating will damage the wiring over time and burn out the transformer. If it isn't very old and is still in good shape, you can go to the autoparts store and get either the polymer cement or the high temp silicone for automotive use and bury the transformer in it. Take the cover off the ballast and Apply 1 thin coat all over it, when the lights turn off and it cools down(put a fan on it to cool and to dry the sealer). Try to get it done as soon as it goes off and cools so that it will have maximum time to dry before the lights comes back on. Then after 48hrs apply another thin coat and let dry again. Try to not gob it up where it will not go back into the cover after it dries. After the third coat, you should see significant dampening of the vibration, maybe even after the second coat. If it is old and not in the best of shape you can still try to coat it to see if it will quiet down and maybe extend the life of it some. :)
The insulating idea between the fixture/transformer sounds like the best bet..The red silicone sounds good too! It was a bitch mounting that fixture tho! Dont wanna do that again..Oh...I bet its an old light and transformer, but FREE is never to old!:)...Mikeydean!!! I make slabspoons and crankbaits!..I generally fish for fish with Stripes!..Stripers and Hybrid Stripers, and White Bass!..Got the Lake arrowhead Striper record back in 1995:D...None left in the lake now....All the lakes dow here are drying up...another 6 months without rain and we are gonna be in REALLY SERIOUS trouble!! The last 2 years of fishing have been the worst fishing in the last forty years!..I havent been on a guide job in 2 years!...But...I have PLANTY of lures! I'll try to post a pic!
A satisfied customer!( and she IS FINE!!:hubba:

erins fish.jpg
Yual sound to have good tallent pilgrem mighty interested in anythin fishin me self ;)

lats try this...I was having a size problem....Thanks to the person who gave picasa guidlines on resizing!

shop wall.jpg
Lol! Think the lures are cool, wait ll I show ya my bees!!! Haaarrgghhh!
Fine girls but mean as hell! My transformer buzzes as loud as my bees when I piss 'em off! Lol!

bees 3.JPG
johnnybigfish said:
ok...i got a wall locker that i stuck a 1000 watt HPD into the top...its kinda noisy...buzzy like....Is that typical or is there a fix for it?

i think this is my first post in here...Im 55...Ive been an outdoor grower for about 7 years..this is my first indoor adventure!..Lookin forward to seein what i see in here!
your friend,
Sorry again..I meant a 1000 watt HPS!
is that light the ones with the ballast built right on it? if so I got rid of mine due too the heat it created. they sell brand new digital ballsts for arond 100 bucks nowadays if you look in the right spots. I love my digital. quiet as can be! I got my cooltube with xxl hood and ballast for 200 bucks off ebay! pretty cheap. jmo
have you checked to see if its the plate being lose like hush said. or is it vibrating b/c you mounted it directly to another piece of metal? if its only vibrating from metal/metal contact any soft buffer will do nicely. i used to put all my reservoirs right on the floor, but after about 2 weeks of walking by the rooms and feeling the vibrations from the water pumps resonating on the floors. i decided to buy a couple pillows and slide them under. no more vibrations.
TwoHighCrimes said:
:yeahthat: Hi John,

Which light is yours similar to ....
Mine looks more like the one on the right with the dome..but i took my dome off, mounted the trans to the top of the cabinet, and the bulb sticks thru to the inside.
The "transformer" is actually called a ballast. Did you separate the socket from the ballast or just remove the reflector and the ballast is setting on top of the cabinet? If so, that is your problem. That type of light/ballast combo was meant to be hung. You need some kind of vibration dampers like shortbus mentioned.

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