I made some, but did not use a machine. I ended up using about 2c of good trim and popcorn bud, a cup of comfrey, and a handful or so of lavender flowers thrown in. I used a 16 oz jar of coconut oil and threw in about a 1/3 c almond oil because I thought I needed more oil. I put it in a mason jar in a hot water bath in the crock pot. It cooked overnight as I has something come up and could not finish it. The next morning, I strained it with a fine painters strainer and put it in a pan. I added about 1/3 c of beeswax, about 20 drops each of lavender and tea tree essential oils, some Vitamin E. Stirred until the beeswax melted and poured into jars. It is quite dark green, Don't know if it was the comfrey or that I cooked it so long, but since I am not eating it, I didn't care. I think it could use a bit more beeswax next time as I would like it a bit firner. I also bought some shea butter to put into it next time. I am happy with it and the others who have used it too seem to like it.