Hi All!
First post, first question, and a "breederly" one at that.
I am working my first line (Garlic Cookies/GMO [clone only] X Kashmir [Azad/POK]), and found what I was looking for in the first gen of beans. In other words, instead of working toward something with a 1/1 or dual line strategy, I am looking at trying to lock down a cut in seed form.
A series of back crosses in under way, C99 or Santa Maria style, that I hope along with good selections of male progeny will give me a reliable representation of her in seed form. We'll see...I know the success of the backcrossing technique is dependent of the genetic profile/stability of the mom, so it's only one stab at it.
That said, another obvious approach is to make S1's and go from there, but in this case there is something a little interesting going on. From seed, at around the 5-6th nodes, her stem faciated for a couple nodes, and then she split herself with perfect symmetry into two main stems. I'll note also that prior to the split, a third branch began appearing at intervals seemingly random in relation to the normal branch pairings. Pic is her from seed, probably a little over 6ft.
So here is my question(s): Any idea what is going on genetically here? Some kind of mutation is at play, and my thinking is perhaps she is polyploid. If so, is it (A) possible that there are some genetic nuances between her two halves, and (B) might marrying her two halves instill broader genetic diversity to her offspring than in a typical S1 situation? A good breeding pair from a single plant would be an interesting find...I'd have to seek out some testers, should there be any interest 'round these parts in the long run.
She finishes in 6weeks light dep, produces the most resin-dense buds I have ever grown (I'm getting over .3 dry weight compared to wet), and is far and away the best smoke I have ever had.
Her name is Goldilocks.
Thanks, everyone, and apologies for the long-windedness!