The Person Below Me (Off topic game)

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False Sick as hell a soak would kill me right now :)

TPBM wants to be a super hero
False- I already am. :D (Sorry you're sick elven)

TPBM is very nice and relaxed right now and feels great!

False- a lot :rofl:

TPBM- needs a new laptop b/c theirs is a piece of rubbish and can't upload pictures on MP and makes them very mad.

TPBM- wishes they had enough money to get that $1999 gateway laptop
False, Today it in the 50's and its a good day im from Phoenix and usually like it in 80's to mid 90's

TPBM is adjusting there crop for the winter enviroment indoors

TPBM is hungry and wants to know whats for dinner
True- always! Reminds me, I need to call George and make an appt. ;)

TPBM chose purple over red.
first hahaha second True I can always match to some purple ;)

TPBM cant unsterstand why his neigherhood is so busy

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