The Person Below Me (Off topic game)

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False dont like gravity

TPBM wanted to be a scientist when he was a kid
True Still do. I am a mad Garage Scientist look at my fog grow :)

TPBM has participated in the "Popcorn Trick" at the movies
False never did like going to the movies...

TPBM Rather take shotgun then driving
False- I'll get us there quicker.

TPBM is about to go for a quick drive with a smoking apparatis. :p
jumping in the car right now.......................

tpbm should not be here
false i learned to swim when i was 5

the person below me has long hair many nasties under theres!

TPBM just called a tow Truck.
False I dont even drive if I can help it ;)

TPBM hates everyone
False, just had breakfast....bwahahahaha.

TPBM is thinking about relaxing soon.

just put the bowl down.......

TPBM is skinnin up...................

TPBM should be doing other things but would rather hang with their cyber stoner buddies instead. :giggle:
False, my days work is done now

The person below me is not looking forward to Christmas
The quicker it comes the quicker it ends.................;)

The person below me is watching children fighting...........:hairpull:

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