The Original Old Farts Club

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Dont worry I gave ya credit for doing very little
Typical Prez
Wasn't worried about credit butthole. I was a little worried because I changed her Avatar before she said okay. I always give you the credit brother.I m no artist.
Take your meds 🤪

Glad ya didn't say. Weedhopper ya bastard. I didn't want that Avatar. Remove it sucka.
Roster thank you I couldn't figure out how to post my Avatar I did it before muchly appreciated.
Afternoon folks all is pleasant at the homestead 73 F and the sun is shining.
I got the Spring fever was busy all morning doing this and that.

Sorry my words didn't come out correctly. Hopper thank you for posting my new avatar it means a lot to me 😘 more muchly appreciated.

I don't now what happen this time just woke up and i don't know how it happen but the about bottom post is suppost to say ness words not WeedHoppers.
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