The Original Old Farts Club

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We have a house and a guest house. The house is 2200 square feet the guest house is small. 4 tvs 4 computers, 3 fridges 2 mini fridges. On top of that no one know how to shut off a light or a door. I am always shutting off lights and closing doors. It used to be worse. Its more like a small nursing home. Now only 1 tv is on more that a hour or so. Dad has his tv on even when he sleeps. If I shut off the lights or the TV he wakes up. His room used to have 2 computers and 3 tvs. I live with hoarders I tell ya. He now has the TV on and his heater/ air conditioning unit. I turned off and unplugged the rest. He keeps it about 80 degrees in his room.
My house is only about 1400sf but plenty room for me and the Wife. Two bedrooms ( turned the 3rd bedroom into the office)with an office and two car garage. Have a room in the garage I'm turning into a big pantry.
We love having our own bedroom and TV.
Plus she snores😁 She says I do but she must be lying because I never hear me snore.πŸ˜‹
Really? That's enough to run a hotel or a small factory
Or a large house in New Mexico with central air during the summer months.
Here in Michigan, I get maybe 30 days where It's not either freezing cold or sweltering hot. If I was a young person, I'd be looking to go underground.
Lordy,,,glad I don't use that much electricity. My bill is under 200.00
And my gas bill is under 100.00.
I think my highest in the summer is about 250.00

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Our gas bill is about 50 bucks in winter about 15 bucks the rest of the year
Or a large house in New Mexico with central air during the summer months.
Here in Michigan, I get maybe 30 days where It's not either freezing cold or sweltering hot. If I was a young person, I'd be looking to go underground.
In a dream I would build partially underground too, with a southern exposure above ground structure to collect light and solar heat. I would build it from reinforced concrete and the above ground roof and structure would be metal to withstand hurricane, tornadoes, earthquake, or wildfire. There would be roll up hurricane panels to cover the fenestration.

A lattice of underground tubes could heat or cool makeup air and solar heating panels could keep an underground sump full of rocks and water hot for heating during the night.

The solar array could be separate from the housing structure, so that the southern exposure could be fully devoted to passive heat collection.
In a dream I would build partially underground too, with a southern exposure above ground structure to collect light and solar heat. I would build it from reinforced concrete and the above ground roof and structure would be metal to withstand hurricane, tornadoes, earthquake, or wildfire. There would be roll up hurricane panels to cover the fenestration.

A lattice of underground tubes could heat or cool makeup air and solar heating panels could keep an underground sump full of rocks and water hot for heating during the night.

The solar array could be separate from the housing structure, so that the southern exposure could be fully devoted to passive heat collection.
Nice dream
In a dream I would build partially underground too, with a southern exposure above ground structure to collect light and solar heat. I would build it from reinforced concrete and the above ground roof and structure would be metal to withstand hurricane, tornadoes, earthquake, or wildfire. There would be roll up hurricane panels to cover the fenestration.

A lattice of underground tubes could heat or cool makeup air and solar heating panels could keep an underground sump full of rocks and water hot for heating during the night.

The solar array could be separate from the housing structure, so that the southern exposure could be fully devoted to passive heat collection.
Build it and they will come.😁
There was a guy that built an underground home downstate. He built into the side of a hill and was completely underground save for the southern exposure. The south exposed site was glass, and the way the interior was laid out, he got natural sunlight in every room. The house with no one in it maintained a constant 60 degrees, summer or winter. With him and his wife, the temps would rise a couple of degrees. It's a hell of a lot easier to heat from 62 to 72. It would also raise when they cooked or had the TV on (they were CT TVs back then).
His neighbor's cows got out and were standing on the top of his house. He never knew it 'til the neighbor told him about it.

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