The Original Old Farts Club

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They HAD to expect that, especially since all that B.-S. hacking of Mike Lindell. If you are still in that situation as it (right around corner) Christmas card/package season. If small amount mailed, likely if found would just be confiscated. No return address, etc. Get on some Christmas card lists! LOL Bubba

When I was embattled in a lawsuit recently, my computer was constantly under attack. They first went after my backup program and somehow wrecked two backup hard drives, before corrupting files and programs, as well as downloading my legal files. I ended up installing a PF Sense firewall that appears to have stopped them, but I now keep three backups, one of which is rotated and kept in my safe.

During that same time, a man tried to intimidate me and Grayfox as we crossed a residential street in our neighborhood by turning from a stop into the on coming lane and accelerating hard, so as to barely miss us as we scrambled onto the curb out of his way with our pooch. He then sped off.

Probably good I wasn't carrying, because I blew the tire and wrecked the mag rim on the last road rage vehicle that tried to run me over and almost went to jail for it. Plea bargaining got my charges reduced from attempted murder to discharging a firearm in the city limits for a $50 fine
Where are the coffee girls - Haha - Gotta run - Maybe a different thread. Check back later..
Still waking Bigsur at his Country Ranch
He is still in tub having fresh expresso and getting washed by his Ladies.

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