The Original Old Farts Club

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I can see it now you left badly didn't you.
Well I got a bit aggravated so I gathered up my stuff and handed the keys in at the front office. None of the higher ups were even there to discuss things. They haven’t even called to ask what’s up. So there ya go. I wasn’t worth their time of day. I love it!

Dang who woulda thought at 64 I’d be pounding the pavement lookin for a job? 🤣 Not the best part of my life plan for sure. But when one door closes another one opens.

Best of luck on your endeavor 57, .. I was actually told I was too old to hire even for part time a few years back by a twenty something .. idiots ..
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Morning OFC. I have an idea for all who are going to be out of work from thede stupid mandates......grow for me. Keeps you busy, you just became real popular with all of your friends and you never run out of pot.

Happy today for me. Today the girls the girls get benefical tea. They love the stuff. You can clearly see the difference in the vitality of the plants a few hours.

Only thing I am missing is one of Bigs coffee girls to serve me.
Morning OFC. I have an idea for all who are going to be out of work from thede stupid mandates......grow for me. Keeps you busy, you just became real popular with all of your friends and you never run out of pot.

Happy today for me. Today the girls the girls get benefical tea. They love the stuff. You can clearly see the difference in the vitality of the plants a few hours.

Only thing I am missing is one of Bigs coffee girls to serve me.
The only problem with that is Illegal state (growing) and second time offender charges.
move to Oklahoma or another legal state
Funny you say that, Had a good scare this morning.
I live right under the flight path of our County PD and the helicopters fly right over my house and garden. They fly pretty low so I am always trying to hide them , move them around so nothing looks lived in. Today I was hot in to trimming (the smell was in the air WOW Strong this one) anywho guess who decides to hover around the neighborhood in a circular pattern , yep Big Blue whirlybirdy and then stops almost over head and hovers way way up there .
They were much higher then normal flight path but quickly moved to another spot and then back around the Hood.
Dam near shhit myself. Good thing I had and awning full open and plants underneath , but they could of had me I was a mad trimming machine.

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