The Original Old Farts Club

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Happy Sunday. Still putting the house back together from getting the carpet cleaned yesterday. My back is gonna be hurten fer certen.

Tea day for the girls again today...I do this every two weeks....seems like every other day. Will also continue to cull things from the veggie garden. Squash is pretty much played out so it will go in the trash today.

Football today....think I will record the black national anthem so I can memorize it....NOT!!!! If they play that on tv it is getting turned off.

Finally a break from the heat....
Come on Roster.....really......again. Did you try this?????


It's 1:30 and I fricken quit for the day. Time for a jacuzzi and relax watching the local football team probably get beat. Both my college teams lost yesterday so wouldn't want to break my loosing streak. Normally don't start bending my elbow until 5 but it is Sunday and I deserve a break today. Beer 30 just started for me.
Come on Roster.....really......again. Did you try this?????


It's 1:30 and I fricken quit for the day. Time for a jacuzzi and relax watching the local football team probably get beat. Both my college teams lost yesterday so wouldn't want to break my loosing streak. Normally don't start bending my elbow until 5 but it is Sunday and I deserve a break today. Beer 30 just started for me.
Haha Great It worked
It was a secret fuse and I found it
Working again blowing 38degs F after a lil charge

triumph sounds like a good choice, ... norton came out with a 1200 but I'm not into their style today .. gimme an old commando 850
I got clobbered by a food truck turning right on a Norton 750 Commando. They, like many English bikes have the brake and gear shifter on "the wrong" side when compared to US and Japanese bikes.

Lost a friend to it last month - crap!
Says the doctor's who make hundreds of thousands of dollars calling it the Covid.
I know doctors and nurses who will backup what I just said. The flu will kill your ass too. It kills hundreds of thousands of ppl every year. Oh except for last yr when the money was in treating Covid. 😒
I got clobbered by a food truck turning right on a Norton 750 Commando. They, like many English bikes have the brake and gear shifter on "the wrong" side when compared to US and Japanese bikes.

a friend from high school bought an arrest me red Norton Commando, with all the Wentworth fasteners, drove him wild trying to find those wrenches and sockets prior to the internet back in the dark ages of the “seventies”. By contrast my 750 K-O series Honda was just merely metric…

Nice doo too!

and bitchin’

i really like this look

View attachment 278471

these ain’t bad either
opps , wrong page

View attachment 278475

Glad it's your spine and not mine!

I like the rear suspension on the last one the best! Less danger of bottoming out.

Happy Sunday. Still putting the house back together from getting the carpet cleaned yesterday. My back is gonna be hurten fer certen.

Groan! Commiseration brother! We have light colored carpets, which Grayfox has cleaned about twice a year, with Moi as chief furniture mover.

I note the good ship Marijuana Passion has a spanker...............................

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