I have a scientifical-type question to axe the Ph.D's here about buds:
Are the very tippy-top pointy bud flowers any different from the roundy, buried way inside, lower down in the middle flowers?
Has anyone ever done a study?
If not, could it be possible that a grower could grade his product not only by breed, but by which part of the now-separated-into-sections bud is arranged/sorted?
I just read the above... and it is encumbent upon Himself to point out that even though you plutocrats use buds to burn in your fireplace in winter... there are millions who will search the floor for a speck of flower of less size than this:
* <-- Dropped flower. TINS
So if there was a distinction/difference, it might be worthwhile to package some divided up thataway with a different price structure. (eg: "TIPS ONLY" = Standard Bud/ Price Plus 40%)