such a romantic you are...have you tried talking to her nicely, mebbe a movie night or sometimes works or it can just the opposite effect...
me2that's sad joe, can't imagine looking down the barrel of no air to breathe...1 more breath
It's all about the placement of the hands^^^Yep, just like a woman.
View attachment 295377
California is the best reason for not living in California...Glad I don't live in California,,gas prices is just one reason.
I have 3 sisters that all moved to Cali when they all turned around 18California is the best reason for not living in California...
It must be the water ....I have 3 sisters that all moved to Cali when they all turned around 18
They all become total **** ups, they were very smart as far as brains but they drank the kool aide and man it really changed them.
More like zombies that have been programedIt must be the water ....
The land of the woke and the weak ....
yep just better dressed..More like zombies that have been programed
Oh Yes Indeedyep just better dressed..
Looks like the California Flory Dory Girls...Oh Yes Indeed
Notice how colorful and Happy they are here
Im sure your Father is looking down and saying what a Fine Man my Son turned into,I was born in Texas but lived in Cali several times as a young man. My Dad couldnt keep his ass in one place so we moved back and forth. He passed away in Mettler California when i was 11yrs old. He was 36. Died of a heart attack because we lived in Bum Fked Mettler California which was bascilly a farm town in the middle of nowhere. Took the fking Ambulance 45mins to get there. He was DOA. Was a very sad and horrible day for me and my little sister. My poor Mom had never worked outside the house. We moved to Dallas Texas and she went to work for Ma Bell as an Operator. I was a handful from then on. Was mad that God took my father and i let him know it.