The Original Old Farts Club

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Invest in corn futures. Those blasted deer are eating 80# in six days. Gonna get worse when the mom's start dropping babies. Maybe I'll make a sign and sit by the offramp; "I will work for corn."
Don't laugh, will be in Big demand when the worlds food supplies start to dwindle .
China and India will be eating most of it while we starve , paying US farmers not to grow so we are force to import from foreign nations again.
Who the fock wrote the playbill?
One good thing as far as the value goes.....everybody wants to move here. Way to many people though.

not out here

less than 1 person per sq mile in our county and it’s dropping about 2% a year…nice eh!



Don't laugh, will be in Big demand when the worlds food supplies start to dwindle .
China and India will be eating most of it while we starve , paying US farmers not to grow so we are force to import from foreign nations again.
Who the fock wrote the playbill?
*** and his ilk are trying to sink the USS America...fuggem, a clean shot to the temple
Don't laugh, will be in Big demand when the worlds food supplies start to dwindle .
China and India will be eating most of it while we starve , paying US farmers not to grow so we are force to import from foreign nations again.
Who the fock wrote the playbill?
Edit: Store and grow wealth long term going forward? I'm a crypto bull
I’m under the impression crypto is a scam created by crony socialists to steal labor. Being backed by nothing it’s a Ponzi scheme. The wealth in it will disappear, and when it does it’ll happen so fast…investors head will spin.
2 fillings and no novocaine

I’m kind of a badass. 😜
That was me as a youngster. Had this ancient Jewish dentist that drew up the Lidocaine or whatever they used back then and stuck the needle everywhere but in my gum next to the tooth and held me down when I tried to back away. From then on it was no local anesthesia for many years and a lot of suffering.
I’m under the impression crypto is a scam created by crony socialists to steal labor. Being backed by nothing it’s a Ponzi scheme. The wealth in it will disappear, and when it does it’ll happen so fast…investors head will spin.
If anything is ever a socialist invention, it is the banking system which crypto does the opposite of.
We'll respectfully agree to disagree on this one, particularly on those cryptos that have real world applications and we can have another chat a few years down the line :)

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