So funny ! my prince of a pup gets up last and strolls in and gets attention and love and says good morning . My honey lets the boy out and he does his business. He comes barreling in to start his day of sleeping . My Honey always yelps at him "WHO NEEDS A HINEY WIPE !" I always answer " Not Me Im Good ! " and I laugh like a child and like its the first time I heard it .. I think the thc is starting to thicken in my brain..
In addition to hearing the racket in the kitchen of pampering ,if I did not love him like I do I would get jealous ! He has got it made.
If you ain't gonna spoil yer pets, there's no sense in having any.
Visibility down to less than a quarter mile due to fog. Hoping Adrian Barbeau will come strolling up. Hope she doesn't bring those crusty old dead sailors with her.....
If you ain't gonna spoil yer pets, there's no sense in having any.
Visibility down to less than a quarter mile due to fog. Hoping Adrian Barbeau will come strolling up. Hope she doesn't bring those crusty old dead sailors with her.....
If you ain't gonna spoil yer pets, there's no sense in having any.
Visibility down to less than a quarter mile due to fog. Hoping Adrian Barbeau will come strolling up. Hope she doesn't bring those crusty old dead sailors with her.....