The Original Old Farts Club

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don’t take my word for it for sure!

your mileage may vary!
Ok went with baclava gorilla glue and Trader Joe’s medium blend. Your are right big that’s a pretty good breakfast 😊
Had a sharp quick chest pain in the left upper chest yesterday at the office that was like flipping a light switch. Blurred my vision, got dizzy and damn near passed out. Scared the holy shit out of me. Only lasted about 30 seconds. Was not like any heart attack I've ever had but I know it was my heart because it was almost lights out for a few seconds.
I'm calling my Cardiologist this morning and most likely checking myself into the hospital. Not going to fk around with this shit. Worries me that it could have been a blood clot passed through a narrowing in a main artery or something. So I might not be on here much today. Too early to call my Doctor this morning.
If I have any problems I'll call for a ride from the EMTs. Don't wanna set in the fking waiting room at the Hospital.
Fking sucks. Just had a echocardiogram and it was good and showed my heart was strong but they don't show problems in arteries. You can have a strong pump but a clogged pipe will screw you every time.
Good thing is because my heart is strong it helps push through clots but if they get stuck your fked if no blood can get by.

Well sh*t, sorry to hear that brother! Good to see you dealing with and sending best wishes and healing vibes.
Thanks guys. I'm in the hospital in my room. They are going to run a battery of test as usual.
I'm okay so far today. Just a little pain that comes and goes but I'm in good hands. These guys did my open heart surgery in 2013 and my stent in 2019. They have all my records. I live 10 minutes from here. Drove myself. 😁 Didn't want to take an Ambulance from someone that needs it more than me.
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Thanks guys. I'm in the hospital in my room. They are going to run a battery of test as usual.
I'm okay so far today. Just a little pain that comes and goes but I'm in good hands.btgese guys did my open heart surgery in 2013 and my stent in 2019. They have all my records. I live 10 minutes from here.😁
March ( I think ) is National Prostate Month ! Get one exam when you are admitted and one when you leave. Told to me by someone who is not a doctor but had one living next door ...
Thanks guys. I'm in the hospital in my room. They are going to run a battery of test as usual.
I'm okay so far today. Just a little pain that comes and goes but I'm in good hands. These guys did my open heart surgery in 2013 and my stent in 2019. They have all my records. I live 10 minutes from here. Drove myself. 😁 Didn't want to take an Ambulance from someone that needs it more than me.
Didn't want to take an Ambulance from someone that needs it more than me.
Not to mention that you could rent a limo and a hooker for the price of the ambulance ride.
March ( I think ) is National Prostate Month ! Get one exam when you are admitted and one when you leave.
Don't tell him that! He won't leave 'til April!
Thanks guys. I'm in the hospital in my room. They are going to run a battery of test as usual.
I'm okay so far today. Just a little pain that comes and goes but I'm in good hands. These guys did my open heart surgery in 2013 and my stent in 2019. They have all my records. I live 10 minutes from here. Drove myself. 😁 Didn't want to take an Ambulance from someone that needs it more than me.

Excellent! A good place to be in your condition brother and dramatically improves the odds of our healing dance working! Waala, waala, waala, waala, waala, ching a ching a ching............... Supply your own visuals.......

Good attituce.jpg

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