The Original Old Farts Club

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Problem is, at least in this state if you shoot someone that isn't inside your house you go to jail.
My issue is and has been a issue is that I am tired of the men getting out on no bail ,are out b4 the cop is done with his shift. In NY there was a man who got caught stealing a car , ,let go and he went to the impound yard where the stolen car was held. He broke in the yard ,went to the car he stole and got the sweater he had left . He got caught and arrested again.. You get caught stealing 125k worth stuff you should be in jail for longer than 25 minutes....
My issue is and has been a issue is that I am tired of the men getting out on no bail ,are out b4 the cop is done with his shift. In NY there was a man who got caught stealing a car , ,let go and he went to the impound yard where the stolen car was held. He broke in the yard ,went to the car he stole and got the sweater he had left . He got caught and arrested again.. You get caught stealing 125k worth stuff you should be in jail for longer than 25 minutes....
Totally agree. Don't think that will last much longer. The American public won't stand for it. Get the current administration out of office. I don't like encounters with police but we need them. I try and do what it takes to stay away from the boys in Blue. But I do respect what they do. As long as it is not to me.
Totally agree. Don't think that will last much longer. The American public won't stand for it. Get the current administration out of office. I don't like encounters with police but we need them. I try and do what it takes to stay away from the boys in Blue. But I do respect what they do. As long as it is not to me.
I have to honestly say that 12years ago I and others got caught in a house 150 plants combined along with electric misappropriation so to speak . I acted and was treated like a total gentleman by everyone. I owned nothing connected to the house.
Problem is, at least in this state if you shoot someone that isn't inside your house you go to jail.
In my state, you have to be in fear for your life, inside or out. Beings as how the perp had taken a shot at me, he'd have signed his death warrant. All legal beagle.
Morning working on a bowl, coffee and enjoy my peaceful morning.
There was two guy caught trying to steal the converter off his truck. When the owner came out and confronted them one pulled a gun and shot at the owner. He missed but still crazy. They got away. I keep everything in my garage.....can't even leave a car parked in your driveway anymore.
That's horrible!! Crikey!!

I am one of the leaders in making Florida Man jokes, but lemme tellya, Pilgrims, what life is like in West Palm Beach Boonies: Zerio crime.

Folks can -- and do -- leave their vehicles, bicycles, toys, whatever outside. There's a sorta groupie thing with all the neighbors. And the place is an absolute mash of ethnic everybodies. And this is a miles-wide place.
Here is a perfect example explaining exactly why having serious "money" in a bank account is a loser's losing mistake.

You put $3,631 in the bank in 1950, if your account accrued enough interest that it swelled to $67,000 after taxes... then you have broken even. Didn't hoppen, did it... And the Corvette got $105 cheaper.

In my state, you have to be in fear for your life, inside or out. Beings as how the perp had taken a shot at me, he'd have signed his death warrant. All legal beagle.

Like Heinlein said, "An armed society is a polite society." <-- Floriduh has a "stand your ground" law. You have NO responsibility to retreat from an arsehole. Sumbody comes at you, blow him away. Very few people test that activity. Makes the whole place happier.

It's a law that makes perfect sense:

If you CAN do something... 🧨🔫 it works out that you do not HAVE TO do it.
I have an Avalanche 2500 with a 496 that I put a 411 rear end in and pulled the converters off myself. Straight pipes with a Thrush Muffler. And I had an HD Tuneup put on it. Mother fker will get up and go. Has over 315,000 Mies on it and still running strong.
Bastards will be mighty unhappy looking for Converters on my Truck. Not to mention the Camera's I have on my house that will get your ass shot off. Can't even get close to my house without me knowing it.😁
Learned that from all the Camera's that were on our Clubhouse.🖕😁🖕

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