The Original Old Farts Club

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Never thought that hampster tube would wash off or not.
morning folks. almost finished plowing a meadow in our forest land. hoping to find arrowheads and artifacts this winter after rains. its a flat area on a ridge, overlooking bottom lands and a fast moving creek. has a good chance of being a prime spot for artifacts
We have a fire burning just west of here along the Manitou incline and Barr trail which goes to the summit of Pikes Peak. Power was out for all of the westside and Manitou. We just got our power back a few minutes ago. Manitou is already on pre evacuation notice. There are reports that the fire was intentionally set.
Great post brother Tattered. Thats exactly why we dont allow politics on the Passion. Ive seen what it can do to a site and what it did to this site at one time. Politics has no place on a pot forum. Ppl come here to have fun and relax and share their Passion for Weed. They get all the politics they need or want from everyday living and the news.
Thanks for your input.

Good idea! Thanks for the accolades!

Bwahahaha......GW, when I said left of center I was referring to an old cliche regarding being a little on the wild and crazy side!!!! I would NEVER accuse a brother here of being politically left. Or right for that matter. There, hope I covered my ass well enough that Hippie doesn't come after me with his tooth brush!!!

Oh, sorry! You mean about the periodic bat shit crazy part often attributed to psychoactive substances. I just try to remember that to a deaf person, someone dancing to the music appears possessed.

When I was younger I could go either way
Left or right handed

dude, get it fixed...I had a torn bicep and rotator cuff a few months ago...had to wait for 2 months due to covid but it's working fine now, a bit tender but fine...

I tried it both ways and decided I much prefer other forms of relief involving someone with a fine mind, alluring eyes, and a keen sense of humor. Especially after having surgery on both shoulders.

morning folks. almost finished plowing a meadow in our forest land. hoping to find arrowheads and artifacts this winter after rains. its a flat area on a ridge, overlooking bottom lands and a fast moving creek. has a good chance of being a prime spot for artifacts

What fun! I grew up about a mile from an old Choctaw village and near the Cherokee Crossing on the Washita. We frequently searched the plowed fields after a rain, and along the river banks when the Wichita changed course and cut through an Indian burial ground.

Worked chips were a find, and intact points a treasure, especially the larger ones.

55F @ 90% RH, cloudy and predicted to reach 71F. Cloudy and rains expected tomorrow and for the foreseeable future. Fall has arrived..........

The vet couldn't find anything wrong with Miss Layla, but gave us some probiotics and we already put her on a bland diet. Starting to see more solids, so it appears to be working.
Almost have everything out of the veggie garden. Just have a few beets left. Will be ready to till everything in and put it to bed for the winter.

Now that's a beet.


Dirt work today. Will spend the morning up-potting. Will also cull some mothers to make room for new ones.

My frickein Marijuana license expires Nov 2nd. This is gonna be interesting as the place I go to see the Doctor and additional plant count are by phone only. Will be interesting to see how it works.

Just realized it it Fried day....weekend is upon us....oh joy. Wish I got the day off.....
We have a fire burning just west of here along the Manitou incline and Barr trail which goes to the summit of Pikes Peak. Power was out for all of the westside and Manitou. We just got our power back a few minutes ago. Manitou is already on pre evacuation notice. There are reports that the fire was intentionally set.
sorry to hear that. The first dispensary I ever went to was in Manitou.
Hey ya'll...had to take a break for a bit. Too much going on, wife is going to have surgery on her foot/leg, went to get glasses and she has cataracts, so now surgery for both eyes coming up. I have been having stomach problems...I swear this year has been the weirdest, wildest, suckiest year I can remember...Several friends have passed, another had a stroke, EVH passing... I guess it goes with the rest, the yellow jackets have been productive this year. Got stung twice and destroyed three nest, now have another in the back yard.

I have got some painting done on the house, doing the underpinning now, and the shutters on the front. Also have to trim up a screen door, paint it and install it. No grow going on at the moment, got to get the room cleaned out first, and do a little cementing, and smoke is getting low. Rain on the way, supposed to rain the next three days, wish we could just have one day maybe...

Hope everyone is doing well...
Wow, Bud is back. Good to see you post. Sorry about loosing so many friends and all the unexpected medical problems. We all go through that. That's exactly why we are all member of the OFC. I have lost most of my close (life long) friends. Hardest to loose was my two fishing buddies. My best friend and wife is still going strong though. I have a hard time keeping up with her.

So, I spent the morning up-potting. 8 plants have now inherited new and bigger homes. The next round is ready to flip as soon as the others are ready to harvest.

Now, I have a big batch of horseradish that is ready to go into the food processor to make the final product. Looks like about 3 quarts and I just realized I don't have small jars! Just what I need a trip to the store....

Gotta go....on the run again.....


Store may not have those jars you need call ahead
Shortage due to Homebounds making preserves.........................LOL

Ace had them. Now it's to late to do it today. Have found a way to totally waste another day. Just remembered I need to wash the dishes.


That didn't take long.....glad I have a dishwasher.

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