The Original Old Farts Club

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Had a 69 Chrysler 300with that same set up, 440 magnum. That car was huge, but would smoke the tires as long as you cared to, and would bury the 120 speedo. Giant land barge, but it was 2 door Bubba

Never had the van over maybe 90 passing, but I blew a number of expensive cars away from a standing start.
I do miss my home up north. Snow for a child is so much fun.

We are fortunate to have mountains we can visit when coveting snow, which is a good place for the snow as far as I'm concerned, now that I'm driving in and shoveling snow from a corner lot, vis a vis playing in it.
Had a '76 1/2 ton pickup with a slant six that had a top speed of 67 MPH off a cliff with a tailwind. You changed the breather cap on the valve cover every spring. If you forgot, she'd plug up and blow every bit of crank case oil up through the carb and foul out your plugs. Burned out a starter 'cause I didn't know they had a ballast resister. Went to the parts store to buy a resister, and the guy sets two up on the counter. I told him I only needed one. He said, "This really is your first Dodge, isn't it?" Said you always keep one in the glove compartment for the next time it burns out.
The dimmer switch on the floorboard caught fire several times and would leave you without lights. Sucked at night. Third time I replaced it, I put the wires back on and made a silicone cocoon around it and let it dry before I bolted it back down. Never so happy to see a vehicle find a new owner.
Had a '76 1/2 ton pickup with a slant six that had a top speed of 67 MPH off a cliff with a tailwind. You changed the breather cap on the valve cover every spring. If you forgot, she'd plug up and blow every bit of crank case oil up through the carb and foul out your plugs. Burned out a starter 'cause I didn't know they had a ballast resister. Went to the parts store to buy a resister, and the guy sets two up on the counter. I told him I only needed one. He said, "This really is your first Dodge, isn't it?" Said you always keep one in the glove compartment for the next time it burns out.
The dimmer switch on the floorboard caught fire several times and would leave you without lights. Sucked at night. Third time I replaced it, I put the wires back on and made a silicone cocoon around it and let it dry before I bolted it back down. Never so happy to see a vehicle find a new owner.

I briefly owned a 74 B-100 slant six, but as you note they were seriously underpowered and had a terrible gear spread. I would run out of power climbing mountains and downshift into second, where it would almost put me through the windshield it was so much lower. I was impressed by the engine though.

My then girlfriend drove it home from shopping and told me it was getting loud, so I went out and started it expecting an exhaust leak, only to see red dash lights flashing, zero oil pressure, and a loud banging noise. I immediately killed it and discovered a hole in the oil filter, which I replaced and filled the engine with oil to try and drive to the engine rebuild shop. When I started it up again, it went clacked bang, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and quietly ran like a top.

I later sold it 30K later, smooth running with 79K on the odometer, and bought a B-300 360 cu/in, that I later switched out for a Chrysler 440.
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Man, my dad collected allot of shite and stored some of it on carpet CARPET!!! 30 years of growth on top of it. What a chore it was moving it..... If I ever need a little extra cash. I have 10 huge solar water heater panels full of #2 copper. I'm betting about 40lbs each, a nice payday.

IF/when I can build a new green house. They can be used to heat hot beds. When????

Been a beautiful day among the oaktrees. From freezing to pleasing..

I try to always do just that
But seems like everything is made in China , even the American made items are made from China Parts now.
Most of our Meds come from China and india so if you need heart pills and alike good luck finding any at the drug store when the sheit hits the fan

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