Id eat her and throw the big fish backmy vote for best eating fish are Oklahoma crappie and sea fish my vote is red snapper
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Dependin g on which smell the best
Id eat her and throw the big fish backmy vote for best eating fish are Oklahoma crappie and sea fish my vote is red snapper
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Might be just a bit over the limit.....putembk
my vote for best eating fish are Oklahoma crappie and sea fish my vote is red snapper
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I like catching big fish on ultra light tackle. Give me a 8lb fish caught on a 3wt fly rod with 3 lb line in a stream or small river. The fish has the advantage. Even a 14" Rainbow is a challenge. I don't fish for food....I fish for fun. If a fish breaks off it is just a long distance release.
My favorite kind of fishing. I had a Shakespeare ultralite pole that was about as big as a cat's whisker at the end, and a Garcia Mitchell open bale reel. Put some four pound test on it and hook into a ten pound carp. You'd play 'em for what seemed like hours. Lots of fun when your a bored kid with a good glow going.@ stain...I have had mites twice both times from gifted clones.
I like catching big fish on ultra light tackle. Give me a 8lb fish caught on a 3wt fly rod with 3 lb line in a stream or small river. The fish has the advantage. Even a 14" Rainbow is a challenge.
I don't fish for food....I fish for fun. If a fish breaks off it is just a long distance release.
I know, I don't eat catfish either.They were delicious with the sauce she served over them.
Better put it on "extra heavy" setting.I could see this happening at Boo's house
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that and use heavy duty soap...Better put it on "extra heavy" setting.
You can do it Brother , stop all sugars and white breads Poisons ...........Surf fishing was my passion after moving near the ocean. Lived within a 2min bike ride of the beach.. I'd load up
and ride down with a pole and a few setups if I broke off.. The cool part was, ya never knew what you were gonna
hook up with. I've caught a lot of sharks, biggest was a hammerhead about 7ft..
I miss fishing, unable to walk in that soft sand anymore with my bad hips.. Dr's making me lose 65lbs to qualify for
surgery.. yeah. fatass Cartman right... lol. I've lost 47lbs thus far and it's difficult when walking is not an option. lol.
I still have 2 lures I designed back in Vegas for 30lb striped bass and caught them like crazy....
Got both of my hands up ....
So true talk about a addiction...You can do it Brother , stop all sugars and white breads Poisons ...........
After 2 weeks of being off them you will even feel more energy