The Original Old Farts Club

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No I’m in Colorado Springs. We have several fires burning north of here plus a fire in Wyoming and the west coast smoke is being carried over us as well. I’ve had the place closed up for days but my eyes are burning and throat is sore. It’s even worse at higher elevations so no fishing this week. I have COPD and emphysema so this is a double whammy.
Man That sucks , hope it clears up soon
My Sister is in N Cali and the wind changed yesterday and she is now back at her house, but may be evac again
Logged in early.. Then I gets side tracked. Neighbor brings parts monies for bad boy mower. We talk and burn a C99 J. I forgetted I logged in.

Started making splinters for the RMH. Filled up wood rack. Came in and tore the J tube out of the RMH to adjust burn tunnel hithe. Needed another inch of clearance. At least I hope that's what it needs. Getting a little smoke back. Re installed bricks, now waiting it to dry a little. Then put the flame thrower to it to dry it out.

Morning has flown by... A little lunch then back to making splinters. Have 2.5 rick to split. Should be more than enough to get through 2 winters. That is the RMH works correctly.

3 more trees to trim in there some where...

Big, what a cutie! Don't think I'll live long enough to have one, much less 8. Give her a squeeze for me and the Old Hen.

thanks Amigo......a couple of my grandkids are 23 and 18 so there’s always the chance I get to the great grampa status...woot woot!..

more trimming today , and tomorrow , and the next day , and and and....

got some new trim scissors , the Corona.........ha!...perfect for 2020!
and made in Taiwan , not China , so I didn’t sterilize them...bwhaaaa!..

thanks Amigo......a couple of my grandkids are 23 and 18 so there’s always the chance I get to the great grampa status...woot woot!..

more trimming today , and tomorrow , and the next day , and and and....

got some new trim scissors , the Corona.........ha!...perfect for 2020!
and made in Taiwan , not China , so I didn’t sterilize them...bwhaaaa!..

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The fiskers's springs break just after a short time using them. (stepped on a piece of a spring this morning OUCH) The LGK gardening shears amazon replaced them with, even come with a extra spring. Did yours? Enjoy the sizzor hash. I have a marble size ball sitting on the lap top as I type.

Fixed the smoke back on the RMH. She's running great and should get even better at it dries out. Now to replace the insulating cob today around the J tube. (clay sand and perlite) Then finish up with the mass.

Back to trimming. Pulling down the last SB x SK. Going to leave the train wreck as long as we can, Going to be warm for a few more weeks. Also have a C99 that is still filling in. Super fat N frosty...

I gots another newbie question:

I saw a pic of Big's squeezy machine in action... with gobs of brown goo oozing down out of what looks like dried weed.

The question: After the goo is all squeezed out, is there anything left work lighting up in the stuff left over (that went through that squeezy)?
I’m sure feeling old this morning. We went scouting for elk yesterday. Hiking up and down all those hills about did me in. We finally found the elk about where I expected, in the furthest, most remote part of the ranch. What a surprise. I didn’t even think of taking my camera and we didn’t try to get to close so I couldn’t get a decent pic with my phone.
I’m definitely going to need a nap later.
Good morning!!! Rocky, you aren't A kid any more...act your age....ha ha!! Get some rest and to it it again!!

Ghost Express is trimmed and ready for jars in a day or so. Disappointed in the yield! This stuff better be really good smoke or else it's future in my tent won't last long! I simply don't have room for a low yielding OG. Pain in the ass to trim as well!! Wish I had my White Fire OG back!!!! I will find it somewhere.

Will be working in the grow all morning....

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