Cool. Caw We don't care if all you guys come over here. No more Politics or Cliques keeps everybody on an even playing field.
ones you never thought would disband real lifelong friendships have , .. due to an idolatry of an ideology being implanted with subliminal messages of fear this or that . if you think mind control isn't happening ... this site is a good site and will always be , .. just keep avarice at bay and any thought that you have the best answer to life .. damn .. I grow good weed
i hear you, you don't have to be a stranger i have talked to you in the past but not much.Lol...working. Just popped in to read something that caught my interest in an email.
I knew I loved you guys, I love the welcome and acceptance of EVERYONE that can play nice!
I get that in a few for's supper! What are the dimensions of that beauty?
The footprint of the fire box of the 6' J tube is 4.5' x 3.5'. The mass area can be whatever you want to a point. The bigger the mass the longer it holds and releases the heat. Once we pull out the old fireplace. I will rearrange the mass area. That's why I'm building a brick mass so it can be easy to! What are the dimensions of that beauty?
Go to permies dot com and go to the forums then to the energy link then to rocket mass heaters. There are a ton of them out there being used.Perfect, thank you! I'm seriously considering copying you on this. Gonna talk to hubby tonight.