I useta love to go oink hunting over by Lake Okeechobee.
Sumbody over there has longhorn moos. Can't find the dang pics I tooken of them
Oh... I just found a set of pics from about 16 or so years ago I tooken while hawg huntin' --
I saw a mama and baby oink coming, so I laid flat on my back with my feet facing them.
[insert] This was not MY invention/trick, sumbody else tole me the trick. MY invention is taking rattlers with only a Swiss Army knife [/insert]
Anyway. I laid my rifle down by my right side and got the camera ready:
The guy that taught me the trick
is in the above shot. The oinks walked right by him, never fargin saw anything out of the ordinary. So he got up after they passed, looking as happy as if he had gotten a fresh lobotomy. The baby oink did a "WFT??" but since mama had no shits to give, he went back to trundling after her.
Then I decided to raise the ante. That is my FOOT. When the little guy curiously reached it, and was sorta looking at it, mama suddenly noticed her baby was playing with a great big HUMAN! She did not run, but she did move fairly quickly away, never looking back.
If ya lookit this last pic, you can see my hunting buddy damn' near climbing up on the oinks from the back... He's about 4-5 feet away.