So what did you do?Morning OFC. Sorry to report I am still here. Bit woozey but I am gonna try and walk. BB
Not me Bro LOL@ROSTERMAN what did you do to shiloh? i see she hasn't been around.
Howdy, walk is done. Had to look straight ahead and avoid looking into the sun. But, got er dun.So what did you do?
Come mon man inquiring minds need to know
Hope ya feel better today
The adage about knowing if we were going to live this long and taking better care of ourselves is playing around in my mind. Hoping you're feeling better soon...Howdy, walk is done. Had to look straight ahead and avoid looking into the sun. But, got er dun.
So roster, I was farting around with my daughter and I slipped and did a face plant . Wish there was a better story and I could add bit more drama to it but.....just and o'l man that doesn't have the balance I used to. I could say what most do in a stupid situation like this.....Ran into a door.
On with the show....gotta cut down a Mamosa today. I have physical coming up next week and blood work tomorrow. Geez....I sure don't want to get used to this Dr. stuff. I'm to young for this shit.......
Need to eat something and get my arize to work.
I used to have lots of trouble getting charcoal briquettes/lump charcoal started, but thanks to improvising in using a heat gun, I had for shrink tube insulation. I just fire that up on high, poke the nozzle into the charcoal in two spots for about 1 minute to 45 seconds each spot. Then close the lid, open the vents, and give it six minutes. Fire's roaring and ready to either toss a few burgers or anything else you want to cook. When the heat gun eventually fails after a few years, $14 gets you a new version at Harbor freight. I've seen fancy heat guns for getting grills started for way more money...Sounds delicious. Thanks for the report.
Last faceplant I took I figure was karma. Crawled outta bed with all the associated pains involved and thought to myself, "Well, at least I still stand up to put my pants on."
No sooner than that thought had entered my mind, I managed to hook my big toe into the crotch of my shorts. It was like the hand of God b itch slapped me face first into the floor. Thank Buddha for soft carpet and a thick skull.
I go get the mail in the nude, not illegal anymore.i have had a few close calls but I can still put on my blue jeans standing up....my bib overalls are a lot easier to put on standing up
im smart enough to know the clock is ticking and time is running out but that is ok because by then I’ll be able to go anywhere in my pj’s and nobody will think twice about it