That's not Marijuana guys. Look it up. What a bunch of bullshit.OMG, what is that thing. Not so sure I would smoke it. But everybody has to start somewhere.

That's not Marijuana guys. Look it up. What a bunch of bullshit.OMG, what is that thing. Not so sure I would smoke it. But everybody has to start somewhere.
Ah, yes. The 70's porno muff.You are a youngin', ain't ya? I'd been married 4 years when you joined the Navy.
Loved the late 60s and 70s. Only thing was, gals that went skinny dipping looked like they were wearing mink bikinis.
Ah, yes. The 70's porno muff.
Sounds good. What is it?Late morning check in. Just sprayed weed killer on the lawn. Every fricken year I get the creeper kind of weed. Regular weed killer at Ace and Hope Depot won't touch it. I tried hand pulling it but that became a lost cause. So.....I talked to a horticulturist and she knew exactly what the stuff is. So, $25 later for small 12oz bottle and we will see.
Sickpup@ROSTERMAN silly boy if your going to start another botm contest at least put it were people can post to it.
No still insufficientSickpup
Check this out, you can not post here?
Let me know thanks
Turn the sensitivity down.My trouble with outdoor cams that any time that a spider walked in front of them or a moth flew in front they went off. And when it rained they went off continuously. Memory filled up with useless pictures.
Sick pup How bot now I moved itNo still insufficient
Bud, not butt, though it be a fine one.