Way I figure it… you haven’t really lived till you been energized a time or two.I was doing a Sparky stint in the 80s to feed my family We had just came back from a cruise around lunch and were all crawling back up our ladders when I and few others got tapped hard. Found out that a sheetrock crew had flipped a breaker we forgot to lockout . Yeah, we were higher than sheitt.
Airbone, 120v kills more peeps every year than the higher voltages .. 120v constricts your palm and finger muscles around the volt source, not allowing you to remove yourself from the current, .. people die . Higher voltages with the higher amps will kill but usually just blows a chunk out of you as your flying 10 ft away.
One time I was changing fluorescent bulbs in a freezer. I had a horrible sinus infection. Got smacked by a bad bulb connection and my sinuses cleared instantly.