The Original Old Farts Club

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Going out to dinner with two sets of neighbors tonight they are all pushing 80......sounds like fun doesn't it......NO! But you gotta do what you gotta do. I would love to get them stoned.....they might just loosen up and be fun.....Two of them love the current commander in chief in Washington which makes it even more challenging....I will have to watch what I say....wouldn't want to hurt their feelings.....I have to keep reminding myself they live right across the street.....I Need To MOVE.

I have a wide range of friends, that include some extreme left and right perspectives which make some subjects hard to navigate. Yesterday I had a one of them yelling at me over the phone when we strayed too far into politics. It was a subject that I am against, but voted for, same as she did, but in my case as the lesser of the evils. I finally had to keep reminding her that she was yelling and suggesting that we change the subject. Unfortunately we landed on another subject on which she was yelling at me again, sooo I begged off to go pee.
@ can't win those conversations.....especially with a woman. Dinner was interesting to say the least. Reminds me of the Wine and Cheese gatherings I have been to. Boring! Got to mind your manners and watch what you say. Not one fargin cuss word the whole night.

Subjects included ... touring museums, art galleries and the weather. ZZZZZZZZ.......

I wonder if they noticed how bad I wanted to go out and smoke a dube....
G'Afternoon y'all! Found out why water pump wasn't working in the 2.5hp Yamahahaha outboard. Seems someone forgot to put the key back into the shaft & the impellor self-destructed. Need less to say no key in stock in the state of Fla. So I ordered 2 of them.
Break in the rain, so we're running out to deli to get cold cuts. Later...
You just said it yourself, if you read between the lines. you work hard you prosper. You are lazy you live off entitlements. By the way I wasn't quoting Morgan Freeman exactly but he said on camera essentially what you just said. Plus I said "All Walks Of Life".

@pute now days ppl think that the very thing ppl work for is an entitlement...and that's another source of "the problem" bc if I work all my life,
become disabled and get say Social security/ disability... some would say I'm on the govt tit not knowing how I came to be.
Some can work 15 mins ( a short time in yrs) and be entitled to the same benefit but less. My oldest brother (now deceased) never work a day in his life
an Honor student... had a mental break down at 17-19 yrs old but was on SSDI... why? bc Mom worked and he was a dependent. I say all that to say
what someone would have saw... was a young black man that seemed healthy NOT WORKING. But trust me... he could NEVER hold a job seeing
split TV screens and one side telling him to kill you, while the other is saying he should LOVE YOU. From that side show experience I had watching his life...
I'd never assume what anyone is or should be entitled to. It lends strength to the argument that if people MIND THEIR business they don't have time to
monitor what assistance someone thinks some one ELSE should have. Do some of us need help...yes! should it be withheld? NO. Can we save every one? we probably could... but it would require MONEY Hoarders to do a bit more, and stop blaming us regular, just like you folks. Like I said before, the Powerful will blame the subordinate every time
^^^^ well said. Sounds like your brother really needed help and should get it. Unfortunately there are lots out there no matter what skin color or walk of life they come from they just want the gov't to support them. I have no respect for that group. My tax dollars going to waste.

There was a guy on the news the other day complaining about unemployment. He had five kids and lost his job and wanted unemployment. Funny thing, in this area every business has "Help Wanted" signs. I am hearing about huge singing bonus....Why doesn't this father of 5 get off his lazy arize and go to work.

We have made it now that you can stay at home and do nothing but apply for entitlements and make a good living. Something fundamentally wrong with an able bodied man sitting at home when he could be working.
Crap bro. If all she does is yell ya might wanna ignore her phone calls.

She's under a lot of stress and I cut her some slack. If that was her usual performance, we wouldn't be friends.

@ can't win those conversations.....especially with a woman.

It is hard when there isn't agreement on the validity of the facts, or when the facts don't really matter, just the latest popular revelation on CNN or Oprah.

@pute now days ppl think that the very thing ppl work for is an entitlement...and that's another source of "the problem" bc if I work all my life, become disabled and get say Social security/ disability... some would say I'm on the govt tit not knowing how I came to be.

Believing is seeing! Looking at it from the perspective of someone believing that "Now days ppl think", I can see how you came to see things that way.

From my perspective as a mixed race American from poor white trash, that includes Native American, East Asian, and Nigerian, there are some people that feel the way you perceive they do, but to say people in general feel that way is hyperbole at best.

To put it in perspective, there are people that believe the Social Security that we all payed into is an entitlement. George Carlin put it perfectly when he noted that by definition half the population has below average intelligence and Dr Abraham Maslow when he observed that there is pathology in the populous. There will always be some miscreants.

Our perspective dictates how we respond to input, whether it is appropriate or not. It is easier to respond appropriately if we "walk around the elephant" and note how its image changes from different perspectives, so as to better understand how one person sees a smiling face and the same time other sees an a**hole.

People also respond to what they observed in our actions and most often in kind to how we respond to them.

At this moment in time, I perceive that there not systemic racism or bigotry, but a concerted effort to separate us by races and social class. The violent clashes and wanton destruction aren't fixing any problems, they are creating more anger and distrust, besides being stirred up and promoted by special interest groups trying to take over.

The last ten years I worked, I had to take many pee tests to secure employment. The people sucking up my tax dollars for free didn't have to.

As middle management I didn't have to take regular pee tests, just every time I was hired, promoted, changed my insurance, or had an industrial accident. I had no accidents, and increased my insurance only once so that limited me to four tests over the last 20 years before retirement.
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Afternoon ya old *******s. Get your ***** to work. Im at the office taking it easy today.
Ive got a board full of jobs but they are handled for the week. Im a PM for for a Company that does all Government contracts in Federal Buildings. Ive been with them about 27Yrs. I was a Contractor up untill last year when the Corona Virus hit. I closed the doors on my business and they hired me as a PM. Money is good with a A LOT less headaches.
And if your wondering how an X Convict can get a Badge to work in a federal building,,,, its because i was Grand Fathered in before 911. I had to set down with Federal Marshals and explain my two trips to prison. None of my crimes were aggravated. Just dumb ****. Plus i lived down my Parole and discharged it.
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