Good post GW. A lot of what you said makes good since. This is the land of opportunity. I was raised a white trash white boy. I wanted a better life and busted my ass in the private sector. Hard work, determination, no mistakes pays off in this country. At least it did in the past and I took advantage of that. What the future holds......nobody knows. One thing is for sure, we need to get this straightened out and soon.
In reading it myself this morning, I note how good the live resin and rocks mixture that I'm currently dabbing works..............................
GW, I remember my guidance councilor calling me down to her office. She said she had some weird news from my SAT(?} scores. She proceeded to tell me about my 64% score in spelling or some such shit, and a 78 in math, and some other mediocre grades in other crap. The mechanical reasoning and abstract rational were 99%. I said, "I only missed it by one for perfect?". She explained that there was no 100%. She claimed that my best avenue of making a living would be in the clergy or psychology. Yeah? I'm supposed to sell a product that I don't believe in or hang around with people that are even more messed up than me? No, thanks. What does it take to thwart miscreants? Personally, I prefer the Norman Bates method.
I was told that I would be best at being a veterinarian....I ended up growing pot.
No 100% score possible, because you would have to score higher than the total population, which includes yourself.
I've come to believe that we all come with gifts and clay feet. I inherited grand Dad and Dad's mechanical and abstract reasoning abilities, but failed to inherit their musical abilities, despite my best efforts.
Hippy, I was deeply interested in and studied Maslow's third movement psychology to help me better manage employees, but could never be a clinical psychologist, as I lack the charisma, compassion, and love of people that it takes to do it well.
In rooting out my ancestry, I found some ancestors that did better than others, but my Welch linage was poor white trash who came to America in the 1700's as an indentured servants/slaves to pay their passage. We were still poor white trash up to Dad's generation, and survived the great depression hand to mouth and survived living off the land, by growing, hunting, and fishing. He subsequently survived 36 B-17 bombing raids over Germany in WW-II, so was not easily upset by the inconsequential trivia that creates such a uproar to day.
Alas, to his chagrin Dad raised us to middle class but failed to engrain all the lessons he intended, though he did augment my inherited gifts by teaching me to depend on no one and take care of myself. As evidenced by me leaving home at age18, and supporting myself since.
Some scary times for sure, but I always believed that I had what it took to win and I ultimately did better than my father. That used to be the American way, begging the questions, "what happened??"
Why do a disproportionate number of the most recent generations believe that they are entitled to be taken care of? Why do they no longer possess the same positive attitude that life is a bowl of opportunities and that they have what it takes to do better than their father?