@ Big, what is going on with the sail boat? Wouldn't be a bad way to spent your days sailing around the world. Take the plunge.
I agree GW I would rather have this come down as rain. But it is kind of fun once in a while. Especially if you are prepared. I am....was never stuck while most of the city below couldn't move. If you live here you have the necessary vehicles and everything else to get through most situations. I would like to have a home generator though.
Hee, hee, hee, that was my own dream and I had Illusions (appropriate name), a 36' Cascade cutter rig that had already made a circumnavigation once when I bought it and I further outfitted for that purpose. A dream Grayfox let me babble about and putter with upgrades until I got old enough to retire and then she told me she wasn't sailing anywhere with me out of sight of land. I was free to sail where ever I pleased and she would meet me some of those places by plane but no dice on the world cruise.
The original owners commissioning Illusions did so when they were young and lived on her nine years circling the globe, and then they sold her and started figuring out how to make enough money to retire when they reached that age. Conversely my plan was to comfortably retire and sail the seven seas, but what I failed to consider is how robust and healthy we would be in retirement, versus our youth. Something else Grayfox pointed out to me.
A dream crushed but assuaged somewhat by selling Illusions and my plane, using the money to upgrade our rentals to double the income, which allowed me to retire five years younger. In retrospect, that worked out better for me, though it was hard for me to embrace it at the time.
I like the snow sometimes too brother Pute, and always know where to find it when the longing becomes too much to bear. We get it here in the valley often enough that I haven't gotten that urge since I quit skiing due to my knee replacements, but having a Jeep on hand to always get me where I need to go when we do, or when I decide to go exploring, is a comfort that would be hard for me to break.
The 5.2L GC Limited is a far cry from the practical/spartan flat fender surplus jeeps or the Overland wagons of my youth but have been a comfortable compromise for Grayfox and a comfort in my dotage.