Well-Known Member
Mornin` Rudie
Night Rudie !
Night Rudie !
Ever kewl. We blow about that amount at the Chateau on wildie beasties. We have daily visits by possums, squiddles, racketycoons, peacocks, bitsy birdies, and the occasional otter.If I'd had a choice between a beer buzz or them, I'd taken them, hands down. The critter feed bill at the ranch is going to go up at least fifty bucks a month, but well worth it.
That's my program so far,,,,Daumn, you guys are on a roll today.....all I wanna do is have some coffee.
Anyhoo, I con the OH into going out for a ride on the ATV with me, and the first thing she says before she even gets her coat on? "You ain't gonna do anything stupid, are ya?"Not this time, dear one. I'm bating her into a false sense of security........
Good morning OFC, it's Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
So the important stuff , did she give you a picture of her in the bikini? LOLNeighbor got visited by some friends from Minnesota today. 83F, blue sky.
I was out back, and Fancy Pants came out of my woods and decided to dance for me. So we both were doing our thing... me with my arms wide, and FP with Dat Ass all fluffed.
We were doing this for a while (FP lets me touch his feathers while we dance), and I noticed that there was a pretty lady in a bathing suit behind me making a video of the pair of us.
She said she had never heard of a wild peacock dancing with a human. Sooo... I decided to up the ante; got some bread, and brought the Minnesotians to the pond. As soon as I approached, the turtles came out of the water to come over to be hand-fed.
Meanwhile, all the fish were clamoring for nummies. While I was hand-feeding the fish (they take the bread right out of my hand) I looked over and saw three large iguanas.
Pointed them out to the visitors, and they were astonished. When I showed them how I could get them sitting within about four feet of the dinosaurs, they took turns being videoed whilst surrounded by monsters.
Then, for the dessert -- I brought them to my open garage. As we all approached, my tame curly-tails came from the nowhere they live in and clustered around me, waiting for their turn at the nummies. When a small bit of bread hit the floor, several would come zooming over. Wasn't always first-come, first served: in their haste, they would overshoot, and the second or third in line would get the treat.
Eventually, all of them were stuffed. They ranged from 3 to 10 inches long. You might imagine: We do NOT have a bug problem.
We were all making our goodbyes (they are going back to Minnesota** tomorrow) when my wild/tame bunny rabbit came out of the copse to join us at the pahtay.
That's an old Chippewa Injun word that means: "Weather sucks -- BIG Wampum!"