The Original Old Farts Club

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Another reason I say I'm not unsocial, I just don't like people. Snow in the forecast for tomorrow and to change to rain later with a refreeze Saturday morning ice. These dumbass people have cleared the stores like the end of time is here. Grabbing stock out of the stockers hands before it ever clears the box. One woman had a buggy full of instant foods and another buggy full of toilet paper, damn how many times you gonna shit in two to three days. Just watching the mad house shit, hope everybody has a great morning.
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Good Morning...rain finally stopped...3.5 inches nothing frozen. Off today lots of chores to do...winter generates a lot of extra wash time for the winter clothing.

Awkward moment roadkill deer too many...flop on side of the road barfing...some fool called EMS...I'm like...leave me was a bad deer...they are asking for my Blue Cross card.

Good morning OFC...2.5 mugs of coffee...1 joint...checked the B.P. this morning 117/78...that was before hopper shared some of his pics ...those girls have nice......bikes. Grabbing a bag of Squatch chow this morning and then off for lunch with a friend at Olive Garden (surely, they serve a rotten fish meal)..never been to one.

Those probes hurt 'til you learn to relax......
Oh lort...not those probing aliens...ahh ginnn...but you it is all starting to make sense...Roosterman has been telling me he can get a sweet deal on 1000 bottles of lube..(a few open and slightly used hmmm). Now the origins of alien probing revealed. Revenge...not research!


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