The Original Old Farts Club

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I have always wondered if Regan's program really was put to bed or was it completed?
It was Developed in Full. Its now called Space Force. Its Real. Space Based Weapons Control. Google CRAM. Conter Rockets and Motors. That was its Genesis. Its now Skynet. Its real. It controls everything via The Patriot Act.
None of this has anything to do with you. You all are fine. This is all about Bigger Money and Ultimate Power. We are all fine. We are just Folks, we dont have any Power for them, we dont havbe Big Money for them. They know that. They dont care about us. They are no Threat to us. They dont even think about us. Relax and Love your life. Grow Pot and Sing. Learn to play an instrument even if its banging on a pot with a stick. Be Happy. You have nothing to worry about.
The biggest fear would be a full on attack by the Big 3 using their subs too. How could they all be tracked?
No Country has enough Tech or Money for Subs. Its all Lies from Media. The USA is so far ahead in Subs and Maritime Aviation that it is foolish to try to compete. 70 years of Experience and Development in Warfare cannot be Bought. Accidents are many. Our Network controls everything, even International Finance. Look, China is imploding. I know people in China, they tell me things. Covid was developed using Chinese DNA, they neede to reduce the Elderly population. The US Helped them reduce their expenditures for communist healthcare. The USA or Whoever is behind this is in full control. This is a one way lane.
I'm sunbaked. use to be Bozzo ,but i retired that name . i am sunbaked. .finally got on the laptop instead of typing on the phone .
Forum pic if you like it
Well..Ive had a Low grade flu, I think, for 3 days. Tired, Body aches, mild upset stomach, low fever. That kind of thing. Have nt smoked the past 3 days. I dont like being High when I feel like Sheet. I dont like drinking but...the Grey Goose thet I import for my wife seems to help. So..with that...I wish you all the Best and Good Night. Love You Long Time.
Well..Ive had a Low grade flu, I think, for 3 days. Tired, Body aches, mild upset stomach, low fever. That kind of thing. Have nt smoked the past 3 days. I dont like being High when I feel like Sheet. I dont like drinking but...the Grey Goose thet I import for my wife seems to help. So..with that...I wish you all the Best and Good Night. Love You Long Time.
Feel Better We need you