The Original Old Farts Club

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You gotta polish up on your reading and comprehension skills, dude. I said SHE made $475, ya stoner!
Be glad you ain't heading towards Birch Run on north bound I 75. 4 lane parking lot. Somebody musta got into a slap and tickle session and ain't gonna have a good labor day weekend.
I was removing a very stubborn spark plug months ago and thread a loud pop and then felt the searing pain...tore my bicep from the bone and tore up the rotator cuff but finished the job...that's childs play compared to some of the other stuff...ya ain't lived long enough or felt enough pain yet... :eek:
Good morning stonerss, morning brother Boo. pain sucks but it's part of getting old I guess although I've been dealing with chronic pain since I was in a bike crash in the 90's. Some days are better than others. If I can move and function it's good and most days I can. It's actually been awhile since i couldn't (knock on wood). Thank God for weed. Enjoy the day kind people.
G'Morning, y'all! Back to back fishing days. First day inshore & the second about 10 miles off shore. Caught bait & junk both days. Of course off shore bait is MUCH bigger than inshore. The highlight of the second day was a skate about 4' to 5' across. I'll have yet to see if the pics came out or not...
Good morning my old fart brothers and sisters. Hope all are well as can be today. Up and at 'em and start the day with coffee and a session of "wake 'n bake".
Pain ? My worst was when my subclavin (sp) artery rubbed on my extra rib and through blood clots into my hand and stopped the flow of blood. My hand was black and the Drs. said I was gonna loose it. I was on a morphine drip and getting shots of demoral. It was not touching the pain as my hand was dying before my pain soaked eyes. On the 1 - 10 scale, it was a 20. I was begging them to cut it off, to do something. My left arm was cut open from my armpit down into my palm. They saved my hand, it's crippled, but my trigger finger is the best working digit. Memories.
So what did you have to do Hippie. Did they just heal on there own?
They NEVER heal on their own. If you look inside your shoulder when you've done for the rotator cuff, it looks like a frayed-to-total-separation nylon rope. The ends are actually sorta fluffy. They will NOT heal.

What caused the "nylon rope" to tear apart is simply that it was put to too much strain. Tie a rope to the bumper of a truck and pull the truck with a tractor until the nylon rope snaps apart. Now hold the two ends together and see if the rope re-forms inot one piece. Same-o same-o. BTDT

The longer you put it off, the worse it gets until you have to have your shoulder and arm BONES removed.

I know this because my left shoulder was torn, and I was UN-educated enough to think I could take the discomfort. Well... I did, until my left arm suddenly became unusable!

So when I did my right shoulder cuff in, I immediately got it repaired.

You want to look like a Terminator? Want to be most of a year in recovery? Just go ahead tough it out... for too long.

I love that pic with the Frankenstein bolts.

When I busted my neck, I had to wear a zany gadget that had extensions that reached my forehead to hold my head still. Shoulda got a pic. Try sleeping thisaway --

But I won't do it again just so I can show y'all a pic. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ :cool: ;)

This ain't me. I'se prettier:


Big -- Your busted neck was MUCH worse than mine. And they went in the front so I got my throat slit***

***They accidentally cut my pharyngial nerve, and I can no longer do falsetto like "Tip toe through the tulips" crapola. I sound more like Lurch:

Basso profundo: "You rang?"
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Well ive got my left arm in a sling trying not to use it. We will see if i can get the muscles around it to take up the slack. Going to take some time though. Did a lot of research and Surgery is not always the answer. A very large percent of repairs to the rotor cuff will tear again especially if the muscles are not strengthened around it.
Cant pull my pants up using my left arm without pain. Guess my Wife will have to help.
And NO Hippie you cant do a sleep over you sick bastard so stop pming me.😁

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