Well-Known Member
One of my favorite tunes ever.CSNY Always loved em
Then there's this...
One of my favorite tunes ever.CSNY Always loved em
Never saw them.Saw them in Roosevelt Raceway at Nassau co. in 1974 the first time when I was 19
Don't hold back, dogster! LOLBunch of dirty assed communist hippie fags who are now running the show and are the reason we are so fucked.
Sumpin' tells me that shit that ain't never worked before, ain't gonna work this time either!I know that ones not a popular opinion.........peace and love aint workin.
Not with this new generationSumpin' tells me that shit that ain't never worked before, ain't gonna work this time either!
Not for the collective benefit of all, at any rate. Peace and Love are all fine and good...but ya' can't just take 'em from someone else, or demand them. They gots to be earned.
There can be universal love and peace only when we don't push each other's buttons. Looking at our entitled society and the level of discordant views, it should be clear that sometime peace is most rapidly achieved with a straight punch between the eyes, but then they don't love you.Sumpin' tells me that shit that ain't never worked before, ain't gonna work this time either!
Not for the collective benefit of all, at any rate. Peace and Love are all fine and good...but ya' can't just take 'em from someone else, or demand them. They gots to be earned.
My Dad was a boxer so I was being taught from a very young age to fight.I was only in the county lockup, but that was enough to expose me to the hardcore inmates that run the place. That and the eleven months in work release convinced me that lowest denominators of society are in prisons, some of them as guards running the place.
As a martial artist, I kept the inmates in place, but the guards had a field day. I finally complained about one extremely belligerent and totally unreasonable hard ass who was riding me because I was a "college boy" working in middle management, and got him reassigned, but the next day they replaced my cell mate with a guy that snored like a sawmill with some broken parts and suffered from sleep apnea, so would suddenly stop breathing a mid course.
I was also assigned to clean buggers off the walls and other unpleasant tasks, just to make a point.
While I was there, I volunteered to tutor GED students in math and science and wrote professional resumes for some, to aid them in getting a job while on work release. A real eyeopener as I discovered that the issue wasn't that the GED students couldn't understand the math or science, it was because without exception, they couldn't read or had poor reading comprehension.
Pure fact, that. Words of Wisdom.There can be universal love and peace only when we don't push each other's buttons. Looking at our entitled society and the level of discordant views, it should be clear that sometime peace is most rapidly achieved with a straight punch between the eyes, but then they don't love you.
What I've found is that some people will push you over the edge if you don't push back. Just knowing that you will push back as hard as necessary will most often make pushing back unnecessary.
I've always considered the music of any group first, before exploring the lyrics. My first concert ever was Pink Floyd.I've seen them more times than I've got fingers and toes. Saw them as Crosby and Stills, then Crosby, Stills, and Nash, then Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, right back to XSN, down to CN again. I always liked their music. Politics, not so much.
I was at Jones beach years ago front row .left stage .I've seen them more times than I've got fingers and toes. Saw them as Crosby and Stills, then Crosby, Stills, and Nash, then Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, right back to XSN, down to CN again. I always liked their music. Politics, not so much.
Fock their politics its their music and anything else is nothing to me.neil young, southern man don't need him around anyhow...
In my humble opinion, Neil Young is the Robert De Niro of the music world… we don’t need either