The Original Old Farts Club

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Medicare. Choices. At least I am in a state where you can change from advantage plan to one who costs a bit once a year.

Next door in KS, you are stuck. Regular is fine unless you have to fight a cancer battle or other large health problem. Then you will get "managed care" and all that B.S.
You don't have to except Medicare brother. It cost about 145.00 a month or more. They hold it out of your SS check if your on SS.
If I get the word Monday on my new job I wont need Medicare. They have a good Insurance that they pay 100% for employees. I will have to pay for my Wife's but it will be better insurance and we will drop Medicare all together. That's about 300.00 after dropping Medicare that I will put towards her part of the insurance.
I have a new doctor. I fired the last one for pushing the jab to the point of being ridiculous.
I had a similar conversation with my doc pushing the pneumonia jab. I told him I thought WHO and CDC should be lined up and executed. Anything they recommend, I am not interested in. Priceless doc face!

Its friday,a box of cigars heading my way,tonight polish night at the shop
Cost is ok but I have to admit hoping to save anything major for a couple more years when Medicare kicks in as mr Subbie never pays anything but they gouge me on out of pocket expense. I don’t like my primary care physician. There was a long waiting list and I only had internet information to read up on when selecting him. He’s an out of touch dork who operates from a list of symptoms and what drugs to use instead of giving a rip of my past or present actual health. I use him as little as possible but still have to face him every year. Care? Well I have found that these days you have to watch your own back as at least I can’t depend on the doc anymore like in the past when my doc knew me my family and all my past health issues when I walked in the door. We have found so many mistakes lately with staff working with our docs too. And our mothers docs. You really have to watch out even when taking new drugs…
Words of wisdom there. you need to be more of your own advocate and know more about your present health than all the other bs.
You need to be more interested in your heath and be aware
Updated List 9/1/23
List of Bioengineered foods being grown : Alfalfa, apple, canola, corn, cotton, eggplant, papaya, pineapple, potato, salmon, soybean, squash, sugar beet, marijuana

List of food with bioengineered ingredients in them :

Post Honey Combs. MaltOMeal Waffle Crunch, Tootie Fruities, Smores. Kellog's Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes, Cocoa Krispies, Corn Pops, Fruit Loops, Krave, Special K. General Mills Lucky Charms, Cinnamin Toast Crunch, Honey Nut Cheerios. Great Value Cookies,

French Fries, Hot Dog rolls, Bread, Pizza, Soups, Ice Cream. V8 Splash Berry Blend, Mango Peach. Pepperidge Farms bread. Helman's Real Mayo. Red Barron Pizza. Oreo, Nutter Butter, Cheez its. Betty Crocker cake icing. Klondike Ice cream, Dr Bombay Ice cream,

Twix Ice cream, Blue Bunny Ice cream. Hidden Valey salad dressing. Cambells soups, chunky, SpaghettiOs. Nabisco Teddy Grahams, Honey Maid graham crackers, Nilla Wafers, Chips Ahoy, Belvita, Ritz Crackers, Fig Newtons, Wheat Thins. Hostess foods, Milky way, Twix, 3

Musketeers, Snickers, Starburst, Skittles, Life Savers, Kit Kat, Sour Patch, Mike & Ike, M&Ms, Hot Tamales, Dove Chocolate.
I am completely devastated by the above list.
I dont mean to disagree with you.
I believe it to be true with "hot tamales sour patch and special K ,
But klondikes and Blue Bunny ice-cream please ! say it aint so.
I eat everything written above!
Except hot tamales ,sour patch and special K and Im still considered somewhat normal in the times of today:)
We lucked out with our doctor.
Anti jab anti big pharmaceutical doesn't immediately whip out his scrip book and despises the current regime and medical tyranny.
He espouses diet and exercise hardcore is necessary for a human beings health.
Also says the medical establishment destroyed its own credibility over the covid scam.
It's called Vaccinations.
Kids are giving dozens of them before they are 18.
Hell,,By the age of 15 months, your baby may receive up to 10 different types of vaccines. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all healthy babies receive these initial vaccines.
I guarantee you these kids getting all these different types of cancers has something to do with these goddamn vaccines that they didn't use to take when I was a kid.
My nephew and his wife had to get their kids vaccinated for school.
They pushed the drs to stop all the multivacs at the same time.
They did care how many visits to the dr.they were not going to dump it all in the kid at the same time.

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