WOW! There has gotta be a story for you in that picture -- Where did that pic come from? Becuz it looks like a spatha.
Whatever animal it was that got stabbed... died. There is no repair growth.
Whoever did the stabbing that caused the death of the animal... died. No attempt was made to remove the very valuable weapon from the animal.
It'd be a great game if you knew what the animal was. I've seen a dead camel, and the bones had that funny shape. So that'd be my guess.
OK, I went and had another baggie. My writer instink pickled in... What I posited out there in the garage might define how the event happened.
Rome's sojers had spathas. Parthians had camels. The origin of the term, "Parthian Shot"<-- Meaning to mimic the tactic of the Parthians:
Somebody left the bag of idiots open when Rome and the Parthians got rowdy. The terrain was sparse vegetation to zerio vegetation. North Africa. The Romans were on foot. NO lasting defense against continual arrow-rain.
The Parthians would have been smeared in any one-on-one battle. So they din'.
They would come after the Romans on camels, shoot arrows into them until the Roman trops came running for them. Then, they would all fire another shot, and outrun the Romans on their camels.
So now we come to one really ticked off Roman sojer. He nails the Parthian's camel in the rear left leg. The Roman is dispatched immediately. The camel is put down by his rider, and he rides off on one of the spares.
And everything stays there in the desert until now. [/Unca Time Machine]