aww Ya didnt have to go that far.......

aww Ya didnt have to go that far.......
The two times were different with the same anesthesiologist. The first one, I saw him put a syringe full of something in the IV. Five hours later, I'm awake. The second one he did the same. I went out, then felt a stinging sensation on my left arm. Looked over and saw blood all over hell's creation. They'd slaughtered an arterial line while I was still in pre-op. Stayed awake all the way to the operating room, told them I'd save their backs and climbed onto the table, and said let's get this party started. The dude, with a heavy Austrian accent, said, "Good night" and punched in another syringe into my IV. Last thing I remember until I woke up in a ward room.Hippie -- If you ever are going in for surgery and they stick the hose into your arm, do this fun experiment:
Steadily watch the second hand on the clock on the wall. If you get lucky, you can see the clock melt... and a split-second instant later, you are awake and groggy, the operation is over, but you can still remember the clock melting. EVER kewl sight.
This is something @boo has missed out on. I never thought to tell him. He's had as many major surgeries as I have, and I was lucky enough twice to catch the "melt". Out of a dozen tries.
Alla youse guys are generally physical messes one way or another. So remember the clock thing next time you go under.
......a hitman that specializes in medical malpractice cases."Of course silly, I'm a hit man" would have been a good response also.
I would save that for a private thread ......That is what I was afraid of. There was that one time at Band Camp when we all did silly things
Good to see you Giggy.What up you bunch of trouble makers? Things are still a little haywire around here but starting to settle. Mother inlaw is doing pretty well, and staying busy for the most part. Just thought I would drop in and say hello, made some changes in my grow and so far so good but we will see. Yall take care.
The Giggster ................................We miss you BrotherWhat up you bunch of trouble makers? Things are still a little haywire around here but starting to settle. Mother inlaw is doing pretty well, and staying busy for the most part. Just thought I would drop in and say hello, made some changes in my grow and so far so good but we will see. Yall take care.
Hee, hee, hee, note the fine fur, suggesting high testosterone and high sex drive............................Good night?
bunch of party poo-pers
~ busses tables , wipes down counter , puts on fresh pot of coffee and wakes up Irene ~
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