The Original Old Farts Club

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Just got outta the shower after putting in 3.5 hours ripping out some horribly overgrown shrubs that have been there since '60. Bastards did NOT want to give up easily. Sliced my shins up pretty good, blew a hydro line on the backhoe, and had my trusty rusty Kubota knock my happy ass flat when I backed it closer to the bush. The blasted chute on the mower deck caught me just above the ankle and power slammed me like it was a MMA heavyweight champ. Landed like a tub of excrement and caught a stump of a branch with my forearm on the way down. Moused it up pretty good and gave me a temporary case of Tourette's syndrome.

Came inside and layed down for a minute and the Old Hen asked if I felt OK. I told her no. She took my blood pressure. 146/90. She freaked. I told her to try it again. 140/85. If she'd have tried it five minutes later, I'll guarantee it would have been right around 125/60. I've had a slow recovery time ever since I was a kid.

Watching the boobtube and typing on this laptop is what I'm doing for the rest of the day. There's always tomorrow for more hard labor. I've had enough for today. 🤪
Damn Hippie, you ain't a kid any more.
Good morning rasty old farts and kindly fartesses.
What a gorgeous Sunday morning!
Good morning everyone. Cold and windy here today. not expected to get out of the 60s. Got a flag football game today. Hope everyone has a good day and is feeling well this morning 💕
What position do you play Subby?

We haven't gotten out of the 60's in days now. Rain an 55 here currently.

Will spend part of the day packing for a quick fishing trip. Private lake, huge fish= fun..... Pics to follow.
What position do you play Subby?

We haven't gotten out of the 60's in days now. Rain an 55 here currently.

Will spend part of the day packing for a quick fishing trip. Private lake, huge fish= fun..... Pics to follow.
I play the bench position. I keep yelling put me in coach but so far they have had enough players 😳
have fun on the fishing trip. Don’t forget to pack essentials this time…🤣
Man, I'm tellin' ya, I couldn't get into a cathouse with a fist full of fifties today. Sprung a small hydro leak on the backhoe yesterday and blew a line on the front end loader today. Sucker was leaking like a sieve. Got 'em both off and put a half gallon of hydro fluid in the tractor and it didn't even bring it up to the bottom of the stick. Buddha was telling me to quit. I listened.
I got the front 5 acres mowed down and am heading toward the back to do the same...seems like a joint would make it better so I will indulge and then see how far I can thinks some of lesso's sativa will do the trick...;)

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