The Original Old Farts Club

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thats the worst feeling , waking up tired

ack in the day when i was contracting doing concret work , i would worry and obsess about everything that could go wrong the day before we poured

i would be pouring concrete in my dreams and wake up tired

such a bummer

B ut not no more , i quit dreaming since i started consuming large amounts of cannabis
I would dream about work with nothing working out all night ,sleep thru like I worked,if i get up go back to bed right back to where i left off.
Seemed longer than a work day .
BUT when i dream I am kissing on a beauty of the salubrious kind , I wake up ,get distracted ,can never find her again if I fall back asleep, I even put up " have you seen this girl posters " and nothing....
When I finally do not out very little disturbs me, but for some reason, I wake up at 1 o’clock every morning. Ivan was barking this morning to go out but once he came back in, I hit the sack and didn’t wake up till 830 this morning… a nice strong Indica before I go to bed does the trick for me…
I have had two colonoscopy's. Both found nothing . One more at 75 and if nothing found I am done.

Havent had one in 12yrs. Guess its about time. 🤪
I had one 15 years ago and another 5 years ago. Before that it was a sigmoidoscopy, which was way worse. I had to repeat after only 5 years this time, because she found some benign polyps. If they don't find anything this time, it will probably be my last.
Here we go.....gonna go and start on this years veggie garden.....Let the work begin.

all the best this season Brother!

we got some garlic in , gonna plant some of Subbies tall jalapeños , some of weedhoppers tall marigolds

maybe buy a few maters but yeah , thats all folks , we are on vacation mode this year , need a break

Hey bro hows the Kidney thing? Did they tell you what your GFR rate was?
The diagnosis on the kidney is that I am at stage 3B. It appears my blood pressure and kidney issues are all related to what is now being diagnosed as most likely diabetes. I am losing weight rapidly because it appears my body is not making glucose so my body is eating at my muscles. I feel like I’m wasting away waiting on the doctor but that’s the way things go Needless to say, these medical issues have completely changed the dynamics of my every day life. Energy is a commodity that I just don’t seem to have.
Cotton doesn't grow up here in Yankeeland. My folks damn sure picked it. Mom started field work at three. She carried a bucket of water and a dipper for the ones that were working. By the time she was five, she chopped. I forgot what age she was when she was picking. The Old Man only went to school up to the third grade 'cause they kept him too busy working in the fields. Growing up during the Great Depression wasn't easy for anyone, especially kids. I think we're gonna see a generation that understands real soon.
Gawd, that is so true.

There's gonna be a generation that will get an even larger shock; the difference from 1925 living and 1931 living was harsh, but the basic fabric of civilization stayed pretty stable.

The change from walking around with your cellphone while looking at a new car versus having to figure out how to eat today is a quantum leap greater.
I just ordered an E collar for young Ivan, he needs work and I'm getting too old to chase him around...this should be interesting to see his reaction when prompted...super obedient but way too rowdy when near other animals...
And so it begins. Childhood's end for Ivan. Time for the boy to carry a rifle.
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The diagnosis on the kidney is that I am at stage 3B. It appears my blood pressure and kidney issues are all related to what is now being diagnosed as most likely diabetes. I am losing weight rapidly because it appears my body is not making glucose so my body is eating at my muscles. I feel like I’m wasting away waiting on the doctor but that’s the way things go Needless to say, these medical issues have completely changed the dynamics of my every day life. Energy is a commodity that I just don’t seem to have.
Jeez, Brother... May I suggest the otherwise unthinkable and suggest you click on this:

You can ask whoever answers: "What the hell can I do to stop weight and energy loss in the meantime while waiting for a doctor?"

This is gonna get worse, which is why I want you to take a shot at any doc right now who just might have knowledge about something that will give you a positive -- even if temporary -- fix.

I say it is gonna get worse because the reason you are waiting so long is that the overworked bastage is loaded with the patients from the ten other doctors that quit for each one that still is holding on.

Please give it a shot, @boo. And soon, OK? You are doing everything both of us know about (eg: right foods, no booze, good exercise). But there are studies going on all the time with stuff that takes a while to get to every doctor. Some dude fresh outa school may have a good temporary fix.
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What’s going on in my body is way more complicated than a Tele visit Walt. I am compensating by eating way. More food than ever before in my life. I even called my GP yesterday to keep them informed and also let them know. I was in the emergency room a month ago and yet my appointment for a month down the road with a nurse over there stands. Medical care in this area sucks… it almost seems like they’re waiting for me to die so they don’t have to treat my problems…
On a much lighter note, Ivan’s collar came this morning and is now being charged for an afternoon session…😱
Florida medical sucks brother. Fkers would have let me die of heart problems had I not moved my ass back to Texas. Bastards
Loved Florida but hated their hospitals and quack ass doctors who were to busy selling pain pills to actually do their job.
Morning OFC. Leaving shortly to go and check out some properties about an hour north east of here. Time for this O'l Fart to look at the possibility of getting farther away from the city.

Crime and shootings are moving closer and closer to me. Last night somebody got shot and killed arguing over a EV charging station about a mile from here! That's a first. Cutting in line to get your electric car charged.....

The thought of moving is overwhelming at my age..... I'm to old for this. Fk'n world we live in now!
Morning OFC. Leaving shortly to go and check out some properties about an hour north east of here. Time for this O'l Fart to look at the possibility of getting farther away from the city.

Crime and shootings are moving closer and closer to me. Last night somebody got shot and killed arguing over a EV charging station about a mile from here! That's a first. Cutting in line to get your electric car charged.....

The thought of moving is overwhelming at my age..... I'm to old for this. Fk'n world we live in now!
Not very far from you

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