My school was predominantly white. We had a few black kids but most didn’t live in the district to go to school there. In 5th grade I was transferred to a predominantly black school as a means of rectifying racial segregation. My parents were livid. The bus ride went from fun to not fun really quick. My parents were pretty prejudice and a lot of the black kids parents were too based on the way we treated each other. Neither of us had been around the others race It was a very hard two years until I went to Jr high school where things were more calm. I was so glad that time was over.
We were integrated in junior high but the blacks all lived in the northeast part of town (locally referred to as Ni.gger Town), in easy walking or biking distance, so no busses involved, other than on athletic or band trips.
Not a big change other than some of them excelled in sports, which improved our athletic teams. There were of course some racial clashes, because there are always some racially biased folks, usually the same bullies that terrorized the rest of our group. I don't remember it being much of an issue, because they could pretty much take care of themselves, and the bullies were looking for victims.
My parents were prejudiced as well, but preached equality to us chilluns and more laughing at their foibles than putting them down as a race.
My first wife remarried and moved to Louisiana, and the first day of school my daughter was attacked by a larger black girl on the bus, and when my son interceded, they both got beaten up by the mostly black group, so that I ended up paying to send them to private school to keep them safe.