What type reloader do you have?Happy Hump Day to all you ol' farts. Reloading some ammo for a visit to the range tomorrow.
Come on down, I would love to have someone close! Idk about gentle though, the whole world is falling apart, haven't you heard?maybe New Mexico
Yes Ma'am it isGood morning everyone! Gosh, I've really missed being here. We are going 100% off grid, so we've been stumbling along figuring out our system. Been crazy busy but missed you all!
Come on down, I would love to have someone close! Idk about gentle though, the whole world is falling apart, haven't you heard?
KEWL. The Deputy Director for Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures at the Pentagon loved the Pacific Air/Sea/Sub battles.@Unca Walt Very Cool, I knew about the plan to burn Japan with bats Tokoyo I believe, but never saw the cables being draw by balloons
I have to read it now
I bet ya the plug had what we called a boinger , a liltle piece of carbon build up that when stuck in between the two ends of the plug (gap) causing a shortScore one for the brain dead hippie! Old Hen came in madder'n a old wet hen, complaining that the estate car had died. The estate car is a Yamaha golf cart we bought 'bout 10 years ago. Thing is normally bullet proof. Put gas in it in the spring, put gas in it next spring. Change the oil every 4 years or so with Mobil 1. I go out to check it out. Yep, it's dead. Checked the gas. Plenty. Checked the oil. Clean and still looking good. Clean the vent on the fuel pump. Pull the hose off that feeds the carb and roll it over. She's squirting in perfect time. Pull the plug. A little dirty, but I've seen worse. Stick it back in the wire cap and roll it over. Got spark. Scratch head and see visions of dollars leaving my pockets when I take it to the dealer. Got to thinking, that spark looked a little weak. Bought a new plug in desperation. Put it in and the bugger ran like a raped ape. Love it when I can fix crap for less than 3 bucks. Old Hen is happy. Happy wife, happy life.
What type reloader do you have?
I had a Dillion square deal progressive , Worked great
Sold it after my injury, wish I had it now