Just in case they ever let you out of L.I. -- NEVER put bamboo in a fire. Fargin popcorn turned into the Hulk.I have heard bamboo would make the containment of the gas a little better LOL
So true. Fortunately, I have my own pussanal doctor (whom I really trust) on call 24/7/365.Thanks Roster. Our medical system is breaking down. Doctor's are all retiring and access in an emergency is getting difficult.
Count your blessingsSo true. Fortunately, I have my own pussanal doctor (whom I really trust) on call 24/7/365.
Thats them Ness Shoot the star LOL, of course it was extremely hard to doThese are like the bb gun I use to play with. Much fun.
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I always forget to say thatDid I say morning. I need another cup of coffee.![]()
Yes! Let’s all eat chocolate for breakfast like big toogo ahead and take the tincture to help you sleep , you deserve a good nights sleep , gawd knows that you have earned it ….who cares if you get “dependent” upon the tincture , you already depend on food , air , and water , so adding cannabis tincture to your life , at this stage of your journey , it aint a big dealio Amigo
im gonna eat chocolate cake for breakfast just because i want to and i can
life is tooooooop fukin’ short to do without a small amount of pleasure and , some debauchery
View attachment 323528
If they're competent and on top of their game then all should be goodI agree, the whole system is now composed of Doctors from other Boarders right here in the States
So frigging Sad.
H€ll yes. I mean what's the big deal?go ahead and take the tincture to help you sleep , you deserve a good nights sleep , gawd knows that you have earned it ….who cares if you get “dependent” upon the tincture , you already depend on food , air , and water , so adding cannabis tincture to your life , at this stage of your journey , it aint a big dealio Amigo
im gonna eat chocolate cake for breakfast just because i want to and i can
life is tooooooop fukin’ short to do without a small amount of pleasure and , some debauchery
View attachment 323528
I’m glad she’s finally starting to feel betterMorning OFC. This week has been a blur....I don't even know what day of the week it is. Hopefully the world will stop spinning and this O'l Fart can get time to figure out what happened. Mrs Pute has been under the weather but it seems as she has gotten by the worst and is now on the mend.
I am behind in the grow and today will be spent catching up.
That's some fun right thereheading out for a grocery run before I head to the hospital for what seems to be the first of many tests and prodding...back is sore as helll, made the mistake of building a gun range out back...now I gotta get me a bunch of dirt...View attachment 323553
Make sure you have some supervision Brother ....!Never tried that
I have to dig mine out, I have a clean box of Strike anywhere matches too
I was more interested in the science of the female anatomy kinda science .....I believe all Scientist developed skills at a young age by doing these experiments
Careful Brother careful ....Oh don't get me started on home made toys
I did too until I set some bark on fire. That's when I switched to ammonia and a squirt gun.My daddy use to torch those out of our trees.
The ones that lived, anyhoo.I believe all Scientist developed skills at a young age by doing these experiments
We used to take Campbell soup cans, put a slightly smaller hole in the unopened end than the firecracker was, and stand it up in a coffee can with water in it. Those little buggers would fly.I didn't have dolls to play with growing up, but we blew the shit out of lots of stuff with fireworks, including those we made ourselves.
Yup, you could blow s-hit up back then. Cherry Bombs and M-80's had waterproof fuses. I never did this.........but at school light a Cherry Bomb and flush it down the toilet. Boom.I did too until I set some bark on fire. That's when I switched to ammonia and a squirt gun.
The ones that lived, anyhoo.
We used to take Campbell soup cans, put a slightly smaller hole in the unopened end than the firecracker was, and stand it up in a coffee can with water in it. Those little buggers would fly.