Evening folks. Took two planes out to my field and flew some rc today. My boy went with me. What two year old boy doesn’t like 6 foot wide toy airplanes?!
I’ve been waiting for a chance to shoot a large snapping turtle for two years. I keep missing it. Yesterday we was heading out the door and it was in the yard!! Wouldn’t you know I didn’t have any rifle upstairs and ready. I flew down to the basement and grabbed the first rifle I saw in the safe. AK47, but I haven’t had time to shoot it enough to be comfortable with it.
It took 20 rounds but I got the bastard. I generally leave my Marlin 336 30-30 up stairs. Shot that rifle so many years I know what it does at 10 yards all the way out to 200 yards. If I’d had the 30-30 I would have shot once, and waited till it hit the bank and finished it off. Turtle is good eating.
This one was riddled so many times I didn’t even try to harvest it. Just glad it’s gone. It was the size of a trash can lid.